Posmare Part 2

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This is into Nightmare, Positive and Negative's past, before Nightmare became who he is and was a Yellow Steve. Though Nightmare is a Yellow Steve, his name is Nightmare. 

Requested by Maggiebutton


Nightmare was walking in between Positive and Negative talking about their day. The trio had just got back from hunting food after three days that they are bringing back to their village in a grassy field where other Steves lived in. The whole time Nightmare stared at Positive who was oblivious to his stares though Negative wasn't.

"Hey Nightmare, do you see something you like?" Negative smirk. He knows about Nightmare's crush on his little brother for the past three years.

Nightmare jumped and started to spit out nonsense, "Yes no maybe uhhh"  

"Night are you okay?"Positive ask. Nightmare mumbled yes and kept his head down blushing.

Negative laughed and slapped Nightmare's back, "Awe don't be shy Nightmare"

Positive giggled at his friend and brother's interactions. They would start conversations out of the blue leaving Nightmare in a blushing mess. As the two did their bickering, Positive noticed a familiar Steve standing on top of a hill just before their village. 

"Hey Negative look" Positive pointed to the Steve. Negative smiled widely

"Red!" Negative yelled as he ran to the Steve pulling him into a hug and spined him around.

"Awe Red and my brother look so adorable" Positive squealed.

"Yes they are" Nightmare wished he had the courage like Negative to tell Positive his feelings. He always looked up at Negative as an older brother.

Negative walk back to his brother and Nightmare while carrying Red in one arm because of how light and small he is plus how strong Negative was.

"Nightmare, Positive I'm so glad you're back" Red smiled. 

"You're just glad that my brother is back" Positive chuckle along with Nightmare.

Red blushed and tried to hide himself into Negative's chest who was sicently laughing.

"Well I'm happy to see my Red-bear again" Negative kissed Red's head.

"Neg" Red whined then whispered, "Oh, by the way, has Nightmare told Positive yet?"

"Tell me what" Positive ask hearing Red.

"Umm noth-"

"Actually there's something I need to tell you Positive" Nightmare said. Negative took this as a sign to leave so after taking their bags with the help of Red and gave Nightmare a thumps up the two left.

"What do you need to tell me Night?"

Nightmare shifted uncomfortable on his feet, "I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, but I never knew how to"

"You can tell me anything Night"

"Just promise me you won't hate me"

"Why would I?"

"Just promise me please"

Positive put a comforting hand on the others shoulder, "I promise"

"I-I like you Positive" Nightmare breathed.

"I like you too Nightmare" Positive said not understanding why that was hard for Nightmare to say.

"No Positive, I like you like you I-" Nightmare held both of Positive's hands and stared him in his eyes, "Positive I love you, I have ever since I first met you"

Positive's eyes widen at Nightmare words and couldn't find anything to say. Nightmare took Positive's lack of response a sign that he didn't accept his feeling. When he let go of Positive's hands, Positive grabbed them.

"I love you too Nightmare"

The smile on Nightmare's face couldn't be any bigger as he pulled Positive into a tight hug.

"I love you Positive, I love you so much" 


Word count: 586

Request remaining: 1

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