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Plague Steve x Dark Steve

Requested by LillyOrchid


Dark watch from a far as the Nightmare King talk to, more than likely, his new servant. The new Steve immanently caught Dark's interest from the moment he walked through the doors. Lately Nightmare has gained more Steves to serve him and this should be no surprise to Dark, but this Steve was different. He was not like any other Steve, instead of having one color, he was a mix of blue and green.


The young Steve almost jumped hearing his king yell for him, Dark waited for a few moments before he teleported over to his king's side 

"Yes my king" 

From the corner of his eye he seen the new Steve was surprise from his response. Normally those who work under Nightmare would bow before saying anything, pretty much everyone feared looking into the Nightmare King's eyes.

"Plague" Dark guessed that was the new Steve's name, "This is Dark, you must address him as Dark Prince as everyone else does"

"Nightmare" Dark groan. Nightmare always does this, forcing everyone to call him 'Dark Prince'.

"Dark Prince, hmm" Plague hummed and studied Dark who wasn't aware of it.

"Yes" Nightmare said ignoring Dark, "I shall inform you more of your task later, for now it is late. Dark will show you to your room"

"Thank you my king" Plague bowed.

"And Dark" Nightmare look at Dark who was glaring at him, "Do get some sleep afterwards"

(Translating to dad: It's past your bed time, go to bed. #Dadmare, I love it XD)

"Yes Nightmare" Dark pouted and gestured for Plague to follow him.


The room Plague was staying in was just finished days ago so Dark knew where it was without Nightmare telling him. As they walk, Plague continued to stare at Dark making the younger shift uncomfortably.

"Can I help you with something?" Dark said stopping and glare at the blue/green Steve.

"Actually yes" Plague smirk, "I was wondering why the king wants everyone to call you 'Dark Prince'?"

"It's a nickname for me so people will b afraid, personally I don't like it" Dark answered.

"Hmm, and how long have you and the  king known each other?"

Dark gave Plague an odd look, "I don't think that's any of your business"

Plague snaked an arm around Dark's shoulders, "Come on Dark Prince, tell me"

For some reason, Dark to the Steve, "Since I was a kid" 

"And what are you to him?"

"I don't know"

Plague smirk and let go of Dark, "Shall we continure?"

Dark blink before he look around confused, "What happened?"

"You're showing me to my room"

"R-Right" Dark felt odd, like he was missing something.

The two Steves continued to walk, occationally, Dark would stumble.

"You alright Dark Prince?" Plague asked.

"I'm fine, but what are your powers? I never seen a Steve like you before."

Plague put his arm back around Dark, "Oh just the ability to infect people."


"Yes, only to those who are young or have less resistance to me" 

"How does that work?"

"I would have to touch them, my both of my eyes will turn pure green"

"Like they are now?"

"Yes, but you're not going to remember me saying that, right Darky?" 


Taking advantage of Dark, Plague nipped his neck making the younger gasped. Such a nice face the black haired made.

"And don't worry, your king can't be infected." Plague added before he took his arm off Dark who did what he did earlier, "So what do you think about my power Dark Prince?"

"They're neat, but how does anyone know if you're infecting them?" Dark asked rubbing his neck.

"That's something you want to know" Plague chukled. 

Dark felt worse than he did before and he notice it was after Plague stopped touching him. Plague, on the other hand, smirk seeing Dark stumbling more than before. 

A maid walking down the same hall seen the Dark Prince and a new Steve walking together, but her attention was on the Prince who looked unwell and rushed went to check on him.

"Are you okay Dark Prince?" She asked.

"I don't know, I feel weird" Dark mumbled before his knees gave out.

Plague caught him before he fell onto the ground.

"Oh my!" a maid gasp, "I need to get Lord Nightmare!"

Before the maid could leave. Plague grabbed her. 

"Don't tell the king, I'll take care of him" The maid nodded, "Good, now continue what you were doing"

"Yes Lord Plague" The maid said before leaving.

Plague loved his powers so much. Looking down at the unconcious Steve.

"Sometimes there are those who fight my control and end up like you Darky" Plague then picked up Dark bridal style and carried him to his room.

No one knows this but Plague has been here multiple time, watching and avoiding everyone. The Dark Prince caught his attention when Plague first saw him and stalked him since. It was easy since since he could make those who seen him forget and only had to be wary of the king and a few others.

When Plague reached the door to his room, he entered, placed Dark on the bed then went to lock the door so no one walk in. The green/blue Steve then crawled ontop of Dark and pulled off his jacket that covered his shirt. Already you can see green form on his arms.

"Don't worry Darky, I won't make you a mindeless person to entertain me like I do with everyone else" Plague chuckled, "You're going to be so entertaining"


Word count: 900

Requests remining: 20

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