(2) VoidSabre

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Yandere Void x FavremySabre

I really need to have a Steve Saga marathon, anyone else want to join me? Again, yandere works when I don't plan it, and doesn't when I put effort into it.

Requested by MelissaC2000


Sabre stared in horror as Void was about to launch an attack on his best friend, Rainbow. Memories of Rainbow dying right in front of him multiple times flashed through his mind and he couldn't let that happen again. He just couldn't. He made a promise that he would protect Rainbow, even if it costed him.

"Stop!" Sabre shouted getting the Steves' attention on him, "Take me instead! Don't hurt Rainbow please!"

Everyone stared at Sabre, never had they heard the brunette beg before. Void was the first one to snap out of his shock state and smirk. 

"Sabre what are you doing?!" Both Galaxy and Rainbow shouted at Sabre.

"I-I can't lose you again" Sabre said looking at Rainbow then looked at Void, "Please, take me, just don't hurt Rainbow"

"Someone who has a slight chance of defeating me, is willing to sacrifice himself for a pathetic Steve?" Void chuckled.

The Steve floated down until he was right in front of Sabre, "You know something Sabre"

"Know what?"

"You're so predictable" Before anyone could understand what Void said, the Steve grabbed Sabre and teleported away.

"Sabre!" Rainbow cried out while Galaxy looked at the spot his friend stood seconds ago.


Sabre fell onto all fours gasping for air. Teleporting unexpectally, especially for someone who does not to it often, has bad side effects. As he tried to get air back into his lungs, he felt someone rubbing his back, but couldn't exactly wrap his mind on where and what was happening.

"Deep breathes Sabre" The person said softly.

Due to the lack of oxygen and his now burning lungs, Sabre could not comprehend what was happening around him. All he know was him being picked up and carried somewhere.

Void smirk seeing the human was fast asleep in his arms, his plan worked for getting the brunette away from his friends. Who knew all it took was threatening his best friend to make teh strong willed Sabre to submit. Now he was taking Sabre to his new room that he won't be escaping anytime soon. In the short time he got a very close look at Sabre, Void found out three things: 1) he was extremely light, 2) he had dark circles under his eyes, 3) his chicken onesie was darker from the dirt and torn up.

The last one made Void frowned, he found that the pure white onesie was to show everyone how pure and innocent Sabre was to everything in their world. However, the longer Sabre stayed, the more this world tainted him, it could been seen from his onesie. The hooded Steve realized this when he first started to watch Sabre back when the Rainbow Town existed. The more he watched him, the more Void was bent on getting Sabre away from everyone. Both Nightmare and Elemental failed his orders so he had to do it himself.

Carefully, Void laid the brunette on the bed and thanked Notch that he did not wake up; his small angel needed sleep. Void then got out a set of clothes for Sabre to change into once he wakes up and put them on the dresser. After that Void left the room, taking on last look on his angel's face before leaving.     

Sabre opened his eyes to find he was in a room, close to his old room he shared with Lucas back in the Rainbow Town. He almost thought everything dealing with Elemental, Galaxy, Void and the other Steves were all a dream he had. The only thing or things that destroyed his hopes were the pictures of him all over the room. It was creepy, it was even more creepy when he noticed everyone he was with were crossed off or were cut off. All the pictures were like that except for the ones that had him and Lucas, those were the only ones not messed with.

"Where am I?" Sabre mumbled to himself.

He couldn't remember what happened to him or how he got here so he got up from the bed and walk around the room. He found a set of clothing that he could guess were for him so he changed out of his chicken onesie that has been abused for years and put on the new clothing. Now he was wearing a green jacket with white here and there over a white shirt and black pants. He then noticed another bandanna that was the same as the one he was wearing, that was the one thing he left on the dresser; he was not taking his bandanna of no matter what and won't change it anytime soon.

The next thing he did was try to open the door, which he didn't have to as the door opened by the Steve who brought Sabre there in the first place.

"V-Void!" Sabre's eyes widen, though no one could tell.

"I see you awake, how was your sleep?" Void asked with a smile.

Sabre backed away from the Steve as memories of earlier events returned to him.

"L-Leave me alone!" Sabre yelled.

"Why should I do that angel?" Void walk closer to Sabre who accidently backed into a corner, "You were the one who suggested for me to take you instead of hurting your precious friend, Rainbow"

Void put his hands on ether side of Sabre's head, trapping him, "Now don't tell me you changed your mind. If so, I guess I'll take you back and-"

"No!" Sabre shouted, "Don't hurt him!"

"There's the answer I wanted" Void then wrapped an arm around Sabre's waist and pulled him close.

"Wh-What are you doing? And where are we?"

"I simply want to be closer to you my angel and we are at my base that no one knows of" Void smirk feeling Sabre tense up, "Relax  angel, I won't hurt you unless you disobey me"

"Why do you call me a-angel?"

"Because you are one" Void then caressed one of Sabre's cheeks, "So pure to this world, so innocent to the dangers that are within. I am guilty of not getting to you earlier, you have been tainted too much for my liking"

Sabre glared at Void, "You can't stop any of this you now. It was my chose all together so I chose to be like this. Plus I'm not as 'pure' or 'innocent' as you think I am"

"Oh Sabre, I do know in fact. Don't worry though, you won't see how cruel this world truely is as you'll be here with me"

Using all his might, Sabre pushed Void out of his way and ran towards the door for freedom. He was about there when he was suddenly pulled back then was thrown on the bed and soon had Void on top of him.

"I told you Sabre, if you disobey me, you'll get punished. However I might forgive you if you do something for me" Void whispered in Sabre's ear.

"No! Let me go Void!" Sabre struggled.

"Fine, have it your way" Void reached up to get Sabre's bandanna which got the human's attention.

"Please don't"

"You had your chose angel, now for you punishment"

"I-I'll anything, just don't take it off" Sabre pleaded.

Void stopped, "How can I say no to that? Fine, I'll let you off angel, but next time you don't obey me, well your bandanna won't be the only thing to come off"

Void kissed Sabre's cheek before he got off the bed and walk to the door, "Remember this Sabre, I'm doing this for your own protection so don't think ill of me. I'll be back soon my little angel"

After that Void left Sabre in the room where the brunette started cry. Sabre didn't want this, but it was ether this or watch his friend get hurt once again, something that would bring him closer to his darkside. 

He didn't regret his decision, not one bit. 

All he hoped was Void won't hurt nether Galaxy or Rainbow.


Word count: 1371

Requests remaining: 20

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