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Yandere/Evil Plague Steve x FavremySabre

This is a three in one since they requester asked for an Evil Plague, Yandere Plague and regular Plague x Sabre. So just because of that, this will be longer to show those characteristics. Sorry if some references are wrong.

Requested by MelissaC2000


After getting the Rainbow Root from the Rainbow Tree of Life and narrowly escape the wrath of Infinity with the skin of their teeth, Sabre and Lucas anxiously waited for Plague to tell them what to do next. Plague had told them there was a way to bring back their friend who met his unfortunate fate. So after hearing this, the two humans would do anything that the double color Steve told them to do in order to get Rainbow back. Once Lucas gave the root to Plague, the Steve told them he would be able to bring their friend back very soon. In fact, all they had to do was build a machine and Plague did his as he promised.

There was a ton of lightning, but once that stopped it couldn't be a happier moment for the blonde and brunette as they ran to their red-headed friend.

"Rainbow!" Both cried out and pulled the Steve in a hug.

"Sabre? Lucas?" Rainbow asked alarmed as he had yet to wrap his head around what happened.

Lucas started to explain while Sabre walk over to Plague who was sitting as he used a lot of energy.

"Thank you Plague, for bringing him back" Sabre said as he sat down.

"No problem" Plague smiled weakly.

Sabre shook his head, "You brought someone I consider family back, the only family I have left is Lucas."

"I'm just glad I could help you."

Wrapping his arms around the Steve, Sabre said 'thank you' before he got back up and walk over to the others to join them. Plague smiled at the trio, but there was something disturbing about it.


A few weeks have passed since Rainbow came back and helped his friends take down Infinity to reclaim the Rainbow Town. During that time, Lucas rarely comes as he had important matters to deal with in his world which Sabre understands. Another thing was that Plague lives in the Rainbow Town with Sabre and Rainbow though he mostly stays in the room that was given to him.

One day Sabre decided to visit Lucas to see how he was doing so he told Plague where he was going as he couldn't find Rainbow.

"Plague can you tell Rainbow, I'm going to visit Lucas for a bit. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Sure, have fun" Plague said then watch as the brunette run off.

Once Sabre was out of sight, Plague's kind smile dropped and was replaced with a smile that had a dark meaning.

"Now it's time to find little Rainbow" Plague chuckled.

It didn't take long for the green/blue Steve to find the colorful Steve as he was with the animals.

"Hey Rainbow" Plague greeted.

Turning to the other Steve, "Oh hey Plague. Have you seen Sabre?"

"He went to visit Lucas. Can you come with me for a moment, I want to show you something."

"Sure" Rainbow chirped happily and followed Plague, "So what is it you want to show me"

"Just something I was working on"

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