InfiniteLight Part 2

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Requested by PinkcrystalwarriorDarkLight101JanaFedonVanaTheDevilishAngel

I know how many requests I have, just know I'm working on them as fast as I can. Please take it easy on me.


Infinity smiled down at Light who slept soundly on his chest. Finally, after all these years, Light is back where he belongs: right beside Infinity. His gem surely has changed, he looks like an angel now.


"That will be your new nickname, Angel" Infinity smiled and played with the snowy white hair.

Minutes later, Light opened his eyes and Infinity smiled seeing the outside layer of his pupil red and yellow. Those colors shows everyone who Light truly belongs too.

"Infinity?" Light squinted his eyes.

"Morning angel" Infinity smiled. He then gently grabbed Light and put his head in his lap, "How did you sleep?"

"Fine, but I have a bit of a headache" Light said rubbing his head, "What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"Um, I was waiting for you at our tree, but you didn't show up"

Perfect, due to the mark, Light lost the memories that he wanted him to.

"Sorry angel, I was planning something for the both of us" Infinity lied easily. He cupped one of Light's cheeks and traced his thumb over it.

"What were you planning?" Light asked curious.

"You'll see angel" Infinity used the hand he had on Light's cheek to grab one of his hands then kissed the back of it. A blush to cross Light's face.

"I-Infinity?" Light said at a loss for words.

Putting the hand he just kissed his cheek, Infinity said, "I love you Light, I have since I first met you. Do you love me?"

"I-I" Light's eyes went back and forth before landing on the mark's chose, "I do love you Infinity."

"Perfect" Infinity kissed Light again but this time on the lips.

Infinity then picked up Light so he was sitting on the red/yellow Steve's lap, this made Light put his hands on the other's shoulders.

"Is there anything you want to do angel?" Infinity asked before he nipped Light's neck.

"C-Can we t-take a walk?" Light asked trying not to moan.

"Anything you want angel" Infinity then let Light go and both got off the bed.

Infinity went to his closet to get clothes for him and his precious angel. He got his usual attire then gave Light a sweater and a pair of shorts. The shirt was big on Light so it rested just above his knees, just covering the shorts. Grabbing Light's hand, Infinity led him around his base which would be their home. Light looked at the place in awe, amazed at every room and the details inside.

"Hey 'Finny"

"Yes angel"

"What's in here?" Light pointed to a double door.

"Just a ball room, do you want to go in?"

Light nodded and went to open the door, but Infinity stopped him saying only he could open most doors in his home. Once the doors open, Light let go of Infinity's hand for the first time and ran around the room.

"Like it?"

"I love it" Light giggled.

Infinity watch as his angel explore the room when he got an idea.

"Angel, come here"

Light was about when his head started to hurt. There was a voice telling to get away from this Steve, that he doesn't love him but another. Infinity seen the pained expression on his small angel's face and frowned, he knew exactly what was happening: Light was fighting the mark. This only happens when the marker and marked are at a distance and/or the marked is mentally strong. The combined Steve walk closer to the pained Light making the mental battle easier, for the mark anyways.

"Angel, are you fine?" Infinity asked with fake innocence.

Light shook his head, "No, just had a headache, but it's gone now"

"That's good to hear angel" Infinity then held out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

As a blush appeared on his face, Light laid his hand on Infinity's which he grasped lightly. The taller Steve then wrapped an arm around Light as Light put his hand on his shoulder. Then they started to dance, occasionally Infinity would spin Light before going back to dancing.

What felt like a few minutes, which was in fact two hours, they stopped dancing, much to Infinity's dismain. He could hold his angel in his arms forever, getting lost into those amethyst, feeling how soft he was, smelling the scent of forest and snow.

"I love you my angel" Infinity said softly as he spun Light one last time.

"I l-love you t-too" Light stuttered not because he was nervous, but because he was still fighting.

Infinity knows it will take time for the mark to fully influence that Light belongs to his and his alone.

Still holding his hand, Infinity guided Light to his throne room. It was the same size as the ballroom if not a bit smaller. There was a chair that sat on top of a set of stairs that Infinity sat down on then put Light on his lap.

"You are truly the most beautiful creature I laid my eyes upon" Infinity said.

"Th-Thank you" Light blushed.

"I was wondering Light" Infinity traced his teeth over the forced mark on Light's neck, "do you want to be fully mine? We can rule this world and no one will tear us apart ever again"

"I-Infinity I-I" Light was having an internal battle. He wanted to say yes so bad, but something told him to say no.

"Please Light" Infinity whispered in Light's ear, "Be mine and mine alone"


All of a sudden there was an explosion and two figures appeared from the smoke.

"Get your hands off my son!"


Word count: 938

Requests remaining: 23

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