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Origin Steve x Galaxy Steve


Requested by Maggiebutton


Galaxy look at the entrance of the castle that his and his brother, Void, were now guards for the prince and princess. While they are young to be guards, they are quite powerful considering their powers come close or stronger to the royal children. And the royal children are quite powerful but lose control if angered.

"Void" Galaxy said, "What if we mess up? What will happen to us? To Time and Elemental?"

Void looks at Galaxy, both knew the consequence if they slip up: they'll never see their younger brothers again.

"We'll be fine, we just" Void thought for a moment, "Pay really good attention to the prince and princess."

"Excuse me" A voice said behind the brothers, "Are you Void Universe and Galaxy Universe?"

"Yes, I'm Void and this is my brother Galaxy" Void introduced.

"Excellent, the king and queen are waiting for you in the throne room. Please follow me" The servant said, leading the brothers.

Once they entered, they were meant with a show. The prince, Origin, shouting at his father, the king. While, the princess, Alex and the queen watch nervously.

"I do not need a guard!" Origin shouted, "I can defend myself!"

"I know you can, but I want someone to be there for you!"

"No! I can take care of myself!"

"They what if it was you and one of those boys! You can look after yourself, but what about them! They are young and can't defend themselves. Take that into consideration Origin!"

Everyone noticed that the king hit a nerve in Origin as he lowered his head in defeat. Apparently, whoever these boys are, both the prince. even the princess, cared for them deeply. Origin sat down while the king signed before turning to the trio who watched the whole thing.

"Apologizes for you two to bear witness that. Leo thank you for leading them here, you are dismissed"

The servant bowed before leaving the room.

"Origin, Alex, these are your guards, Void and Galaxy Universe. Void you will be Alex's bodyguard and Galaxy you will be Origin's."

"Yes, your majesty" The brothers bowed.

"Excellent" The king smiled.

"Your rooms are next to each other" The queen spoke, "Alex, Origin please show them their room"

"Yes mother" Her children responded.

The siblings walk over to the brothers, together, the four headed to their rooms as it was getting late. While Alex and Void were having their conversation, Origin and Galaxy were just quiet. Once they reach their rooms was when Origin spoke to Galaxy.

"Don't think I'll listen to you" Origin glared, "I can defend myself and whatever happens to you is not my problem"

With that, the prince slammed in Galaxy's face. Void put a hand on his brother's shoulder, both knew the prince would get Galaxy in trouble soon and their only family would pay the price.


(3 years later)

Since they were introduced, Origin has yet to listen to a word Galaxy said leading to the purplenette to get multiple injuries from thieves, bandits, wild animals and more which he hides from everyone but his brother. Every time Galaxy wanted to break down, he would hold himself back until night were no one was present. As for Origin, he knows what he's doing, and he knows that his actions decided whether Galaxy would be fired or not. Though the prince could careless, he never wanted a bodyguard in the first place.

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