Dark09 Part 2

749 11 2

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel

The next night Shark snuck out of the lab not alerting anyone of him living the area. Hoping that the portal machine won't wake anyone, Shark teleport back to the area he was in. The human does not want to do this, but it was this or Dark coming after him and the chances of the Steve hurting him were high.

Once Shark arrived, his breath picked up as he shakenly walk over to Dark's temple. After a bit Shark let down his defenses thinking that Dark had forgot when he felt arms hug his mid-section and breath tickling his neck.

"So you did remember little Shark" Dark chuckled. He tighten his hold making Shark let out a groan.

"Y-You th-threaten me if I-I didn't" Shark gasped having a hard time breath with Dark tightening his hold.

Dark hummed then he nibbled Shark's neck getting a gasp, "Indeed I did, but you couldn't have come you know. Did you forget you can get the powers of Steves? "

If Shark could facepalm then he would. There were machines Professor Oof had that could have helped him or used a Steve's powers for protection or anything. There were ways Shark could have used to avoid any of this. 


"Or" Dark pinch Shark's skin with his teeth, "did you want me as I want you?"

Shark moaned then he screamed when Dark bit hard enough to draw blood. He would have fallen to his knees if Dark wasn't holding him upright. As for Dark, he bite and suck several places on Shark's neck leaving bruises in his waking. Shark's throat became raw from his screaming so now he is panting hoping that Dark will stop. Which he did when Shark was practically using him as a crutch.

"Is the little Sharky tired?" Dark smirk at Shark's form.

Shark couldn't speak so he nodded his head. Between his throat hurting and Dark hugging him tightly to the point breathing was difficult to do.

Dark kissed Shark's neck once more before releasing  him who feel down to his knees then laid on the grassy ground unable to move. The Steve kneeled down and moved some of Shark's hair out of his face.

"You know I can do anything to you right now and there is nothing you can do about it" Dark snickered, "But I do have morals; I won't take advantage of a person who is down"

"J-Just leave me alone" Shark crocked out.

Dark shook his head and put his arms under Shark to pick him up.

"Wh-What are you-?" 

"Shh. I won't do anything" Dark stood up with Shark in his arms and held him close to his chest then he started to walk to the dark temple.

Shark started to get sleepy, but he forced himself to stay awake incase Dark does anything to him. The Steve's word does not mean much especially after what Dark did to him. Dark notice the sleepy look on Shark's face and the way he was forcing himself to stay awake so he started to hum a tune. Shark heard humming that was making him fall asleep as much as he does not was to fall asleep in Dark's arms. 

Eventually the sleepiness won as Shark fell asleep and unknowingly cuddling closer to Dark's chest. Dark smiled at the sleeping human and couldn't help, but to coo how adorable Shark look. Soon Dark reached a room within it was a king size bed that Dark laid Shark down. Imminently Shark cuddled into the sheets, letting out a happy sign. Dark smiled and laid down pulling Shark into his chest spooning him.


Word count: 618

Requests remaining: 0

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