OriginGalaxy Part 2

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To let everyone, know, this book has five more chapters to go until I call it complete and start on a new book. If anyone wants an anther part something, say it now because I'm not coming back once this is done.


Origin went from the stables directly to his sister's room, if Galaxy hadn't told him, then Void hasn't told Alex, right.

"What do you mean Void already told you?!" Origin shouted. Alex told him that Void had told her of his departure when Galaxy turns 20 over two years ago.

"I mean what I say brother, I had thought Galaxy told you already"

The prince shook his head, "He just told me, he never even planned on telling me"

"I see why" Alex signed.

"Why what?"

"Why Galaxy did not say anything to you. Brother listen, you've been nothing but trouble for him and he guess that it wouldn't matter if he told you or not."


"Origin, from the way I seen you treat Galaxy, I wasn't surprised. You belittled him, tried to get him in trouble when he's just protecting you" Alex snapped.

"I thought he was after fame or fortune from father" Origin look down in shame.

"if he was then he would have boasted about who he is and been more uptight like everyone else who were supposed to protect us" Alex signed, "They're doing this for their brothers, wouldn't you do that same for them"

"I would do anything to protect them" Origin rubbed his face, "I'm a fool"

"At least they'll be free in two weeks"

"But I don't..." Origin muttered something Alex couldn't hear.

"You don't want what?"

"I don't want Galaxy to go"

"Why not? If you hated him then you'll be happy he's gone. If you are decent to him then you still be happy for, he gets to go home"

"What if it was because I liked him?" Origin blushed.

Alex stared at her brother, "You like Galaxy?"


"But why were you..."

"I didn't know what else to do" Origin ran his hand through his brown hair, "I didn't want to make it obvious because I thought it would have scared him off or think weird of me. I thought getting in trouble would mean he would have to stay with me longer"

"So, you want to spend more time with him, but you push him away at the same time?" Alex asked not really understanding her brother's logic.

"I didn't want the same thing I had with Alexia"

Alex clench her fists, Alexia was teh first girl Origin fell in love with, but she was using him in the end. She left Origin heartbroken once she ran off with someone who was supposed to be their friend.

"What am I going to do Alex? I don't want him to go, I don't think I can handle another heartbreak" Origin said.

Before Alex could answer, there was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Alex's guard and Galaxy's brother.

"Good evening Princess Alex, Prince Origin" Void bowed, "Do pardon the interruption, but I was wonder Princess Alex if I could go out"

"You can Void"

"Thank you"

"But Void"

"Yes, Princess Alex?"

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