HypnoSabre Part 2

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Requested by ErrorInkShipTheJPlayzSmiledontfrown2019



Hypno was awoken by Alex shaking him.

"Mmm, Alex?"

"Morning Hypno" Alex smiled, "Do you know where Sabre is? I can't find him"

"Hmm, what do you mean? He's right-" That was when Hypno realized that he was no longer holding the small human.

The Steve looked at Alex in alarm making her worry, "I was holding him last night."

"We need to find him" 

Both gathered their supplies, including Sabre's bag that they found discarded near the entrance of the cave. Nothing was missing from what they could tell, but it did worry them a lot more. Whatever happened to Sabre, he did not leave at his own accordance and who ever took him, seemed to look for something as well. While they were searching Sabre's pack for any clues, Alex noticed a picture and frowned

"What's wrong Alex?"

She didn't say anything, instead she handed the picture to Hypno who recognized those in the photo: Sabre and, his cousin, Lucas. In both their eyes, the smile that Sabre had was more real then what they seen in real life.

"I messed so bad" Hypno signed, "We all have problems, but it's Sabre who's the victim out of all of this"

Alex put a hand on Hypno's shoulder, "We'll find him"

"And when we do, I'm going to do what ever it takes to gain his forgiveness"


(Elsewhere and just go with all of this)

Sabre woke up to find himself on a bed and not on the cave floor that he once was on. 

"Where am I?" Sabre said to himself, looking around the room. 

The place felt so familiar to him, but Sabre could not put his finger on it. It was only when he looked out the window that the brunette realized where he is.

"I see that you're awake"

Sabre's eyes widened and turned to see the one and only Nightmare King.

"N-No way" Sabre shook, "I-I thought we destroyed you"

"Unfortunately, things aren't that simple" Nightmare smirk and walk to the human.

Sabre, standing in defensive mode, growled at Nightmare.

"I see that you still have that fire within you" The bee Steve smiled, "Not that I expected any less from the savior of Steves. Though, I wonder something Sabre"

Nightmare was in arm length from Sabre, "How have you not broke yet?"


"Yes, you've been ignored, neglected, betrayed" Nightmare frowned, "Abandoned"

Sabre froze.

"I was surprised when Rainbow left you to work with Void, even after everything you did for him" That was no lie, it surprised Nightmare greatly when Rainbow betrayed the human; especially in his mental state.

"H-He was trying to protect me" Sabre said with little defense in his voice.

"Don't make excuses for him Sabre" Nightmare snapped.

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