NightSabre Part 2

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Requested by Sworflame12


It was early the next morning and Nightmare was smiling down at the human who was sleeping soundly on his chest. He did not plan on doing that with Sabre last night, but he wanted Sabre, oh how he wanted him badly. The Steve had to admit even though Sabre messed up many of him plans, the world would be boring without him. Nightmare lightly traced the mark he made on Sabre getting a small groan from the brunette. 

After a bit Sabre's eyes open just a bit before fully widening. He had thought was happened last night was just a nightmare or something, but seeing him laying on a shirtless Nightmare made him wish it was. When Sabre tried to get up, he found that Nightmare had a grip on him so the only thing he could do was scream hoping that someone could hear him. Unfortunately for Sabre, his screams were cut off by Nightmare kissing him.

Sabre struggled as much as he could which was very little when Nightmare got out under him and got on top of him then pinned his hands on either side of Sabre's head. Not once did the Steve broke the kiss. Once Sabre stopped struggling, Nightmare pulled away.

"Good morning Sabre" Nightmare chuckled seeing Sabre's flustered face, "So how did you sleep?"

"I thought it was a dream" Sabre breathed.

"Does this feel like a dream?" Nightmare leaned down for another kiss, but instead of lips he got a cheek.

"Awe, don't get cheeky Sabre" Nightmare smiled. He got off of Sabre, but got him in a tight hold in case he tries to run.

Sabre glared at Nightmare before remembering that the Steve next to him was shirtless.

"Um, d-did we..."

"No" Nightmare said knowing what the human was hinting at.

Sabre let out a sign in relief.

"But" Nightmare lightly touch the mark on Sabre's neck getting a groan, "I did mark you as mine so in a way we did"

Sabre's hand went up to his neck where Nightmare just had his hand.

"And if you like" Nightmare lend in to the point where Sabre could feel him breathing in near his ear, "We can do what you humans do"

"Uh, no thank you" Sabre laugh nervously. Luckily Nightmare chuckled and pulled away indicating he was not serious by any matters.

"I might be evil, but I'm not that evil" Nightmare smiled and played with Sabre's hair.

"So, what now?"

"I figure I have to send you back so that your friends won't get worried. Who am I kidding? They'll be worried nonetheless"

"That is true" Sabre smiled, "So what now?"

Nightmare hummed, "Want to explore a bit?"

"Uh, explore?" Sabre asked confused. He was even more confused when Nightmare let him go to sit up.

"Yeah, explore. I watched you long enough Sabre and I know that you like to look around to wonder around new places. Though that is a bad habit." 

Sabre rolled his eyes, "I know, Lucas told me that before" 

"I would advise you to listen to him" Nightmare said as he watch Sabre get off the bed and explore his room.

"I'm going to tell you what I told him, I can't help it" 


"Yep" Sabre said popping the 'p'

Nightmare signed and got up from the bed. That is when Sabre fully saw a shirtless Nightmare and blushed hard. Of course the Steve noticed and smirked.

"Like what you see?"

Sabre turned away, "S-Shut up"

"Awe, little Sabre is shy." Nightmare walk over to Sabre and lifted his chin so they were looking eye to eye, "and a shy Sabre is a cute one"

Before Sabre could protest, he felt a pair of lips on his once again and an arm snaked around his waist that pulled him closer to the Steve. Slowly but surely, Sabre started to kiss back as his nails dug into Nightmare's shoulders.

"Oh, Sabre, you're making it hard for me to let you go you know. Keep this up and you won't see your friends for quite some time."

"I can stay for a bit long, nothing will happen"

"If that's that case, shall we continue?"

It was not a question and there was no answer anyways as the two continued.



"Hey Rainbow I'm ba... what in the name of Notch!" Lucas yelled seeing the Rainbow House and some trees burning, chickens and a horse running everywhere, random blocks everywhere, it was madness

"Lucas help!" Rainbow cried.

"I was gone only five minutes!"


Word count: 766

Requests remaining: 4

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