
499 8 7

Requested by Lydia608

Human AU. Criminal Shadow x Innocent Lucas 

I am bad at nicknames so don't judge,


Shadow smirk as he watch the activity below him; the cops running around the city trying to find him or, well, his alter ego Shade after he robbed a bank minutes ago. You see, Shadow is a criminal famous for robbing banks and not being caught like others have been as security got better over the years. Not once the cops got close to catching and he rather kept it that way.

As of now, Shadow was walking down a sidewalk after he changed his clothes and hid the money in a spot he only knows about. He was carrying a bag that had a couple hundred dollars bills; his plan was to bring home money he stole little by little so no one would notice a thing. Per usual, no one suspected a thing of him as he acted innocent and unknowing of what he had done.

Arriving home, Shadow was tackled into a hug.

"Shadow are you okay?!" The male who hurriedly pulled Shadow in was Lucas Spike (Shadow had no last name so they took Lucas') Shadow's husband for two years. This blonde beauty was the only reason Shadow did not want to be caught, if he is then they'll find who Lucas is and use him against him.

"Lu Lu, what do you mean?" Shadow asked. He had to play ignorant so Lucas won't get suspicious of him.  

Lucas pulled away and the taller male seen that the blue-eyed male has been crying.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" Shadow asked frankly.

Lucas shook his head, "Th-There was a-a r-robbery near w-where you worked a-and I was s-so worried"

"I'm fine love" Shadow said pulling Lucas into a hug, "There's no need to shed tears"

Another lie, Shadow told Lucas that he worked so Lucas could take care of their home because Notch knows that Shadow won't let anything happen to his innocent bean. Thanks to his 'job' Shadow made enough for them to live comfortable.

"Guess what love" Shadow said to get Lucas' mind off worrying about him, "I got payed so we can go to that restaurant you wanted too"

"Don't you want to save that in case of emergency?" Lucas asked as much as he wanted to one of his favorite restaurants in the world.

"It's fine love, my boss gave me a bonus so we have more than enough"


"Yes, I think he's going to give me a promotion soon" Shadow said. He had to cover up how he's getting more money.

"That's amazing!" 

"It is, now let's get dress" Shadow said.

Lucas nodded and headed into their shared followed by Shadow who watch his husband undress without him noticing.

"Maybe we should stay home tonight" Shadow suggested looking up and down a shirtless Lucas while licking his lips. After all these years (Lucas is 25, Shadow is 28) Lucas still looks like he did in high school: sexy and beautiful.

"Sh-Shadow!" Lucas blushed at his husband's words, even more when he felt a hand touch his sensitive skin.

Let's just say they didn't go out that night and Lucas couldn't walk the next day.


Shadow played with Lucas' blonde hair while he was sleeping. No matter how many times they've done it, it feels as though it was their first time all over again. It was mornings like this that got Shadow thinking if he should quit being a criminal, the more he does it, the more it puts Lucas at risk of being hurt.

'One more' Shadow thought. He was going to rob once last time and then he's done with everything. The last time will be a big bang as Shadow planned to rob the largest bank in their city. Until then, he'll be planning and spending time with his little bean.

'After that, I won't lie to you anymore my Lu Lu.'  Shadow promised as he drifted off to sleep, pulling his bean close to him.

If only Shadow knew there will be one who would stand up against him and his crimes and get in between him and his husband.


Word count: 710

Requests remaining: 7

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