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Reverse Steve x Rainbow Steve

This should have been posted before the chapter before.

Requested by Maggiebutton


It was all blurry when Reverse woke up in a in a broken tube of some kind of liquid. He step carefully out of the tube and look around to see he was in some sort of facility, well what use to be one. Reverse look to see there were two doors, one was broken and the other seemed as though something or someone was trying to get in. Curiosity got the best of him to go to the door that was mostly intact.

When Reverse entered the room, he saw anther Steve in a tube like his, but his was still intact. The Steve inside had the opposite colors of him. Reverse found a folder that contain information about the Steve like he found about himself.

Name: Rainbow
Family: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: Over 18
Background: Unknown

Just like Reverse, Rainbow has next to nothing about him except for the fact he was considered older than Rainbow. Reverse look around to find a way to open the tube when he heard pounding. Rainbow was pounding his fist on the tube as panic filled his eyes he notice the other Steve and try to show him that he couldn't breath. Reverse quickly understood and try to find a way to open the tube, but when he notice that Rainbow's pounding was getting less and less, he decided to force the tube open.

Grabbing a pipe on the ground, Reverse hit the tube cracking it then finally breaking. Reverse caught Rainbow who was coughing up water while getting oxygen. Reverse held him until he could breath properly.

"Are you alright?" Reverse ask.

Rainbow coughed once more before breathing out a yes.

"W-Where a-are *cough* we?" Rainbow ask finally able to talk.

"Some sort of facility" Reserve said as he help Rainbow to sit up still holding him.

"W-who are you?"

"I am Reverse and you're Rainbow "

Rainbow smiled. His eyes shifted to the tube he was just in and fear filled his veins as he shuffled closer to Reverse. If not for him, then Rainbow would have been dead.

Reverse notice Rainbow's sudden change of mood and decided to get out of the room and explore. Rainbow yelped when Reverse stood up with him still in his arms and out of instinct Rainbow wrap his arms around him out of fear.

"R-Reverse" Rainbow blushed.

"Don't worry, I won't drop you little Bow" Reverse chuckle as he walk out of the room.


"Little Bow, your new nickname" Reverse smiled seeing Rainbow's face flushed, "You're so cute"

"Th-thanks, you're kinda..." Rainbow mumbled the last pat.

"Mind repeating that little Bow?"

"I-I said you're kinda hot" Rainbow shifted uncomfortably in Revere's arms.

Reverse muffled a laugh and kissed Rainbow's head, "I think we're going to get along very nicely, don't you think little Bow?" 

Rainbow nodded with a bright smile. Reverse found a room with a bed and laid both of them down to get some sleep before they explore anymore. Besides, he wants to spend more time with his little Bow.


Word count: 530

Requests remaining: 0      

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