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Elemental Steve x FavremySabre

Since we are on this topic, keep an eye out for a new book in the next day or two. Also this is a bit of foreshadowing. 

Requested by GalaxyChan6


It was night time when Sabre went out for a walk for a bit. Another restless night so walking seemed to be the better option for the human. He did not stray far from the the house Rainbow and him built because they are in a new area with no boundaries unlike the Rainbow Town so Rainbow gets really worried when he goes out for these walks. The furthest Sabre went was the area that lead to Elemental's place. Though he wanted to see what the Steve was up to, he knows that he can only stay there for a short amount of time before Elemental starts loosing energy.

Sabre was to focus on looking at the stars above that he didn't notice the figure in front of him until he bumped into them causing Sabre to fall backwards. Before he hit the ground, two arms wrap around him preventing him from hitting the ground.

"Sabre?" The person ask.

"Elemental? What are you doing up at this time?" Elemental pulled Sabre up so he was standing up straight.

"I should be asking that question, but since you asked, I decided to go out for a stroll." Elemental said, "Now, why are you out?"

Sabre shrug his shoulders, "Couldn't sleep, taking a walk usually helps"


"I thought you said you watched Rainbow and I" Sabre smiled.

"Well I-"

"I'm joking, some nights I can't sleep that's all" 

"I see, may I join you for your stroll?" Elemental ask. Sabre said yes and the two went on their way.

The human and Steve talk about different things as they walk and Sabre.

"Hey Elemental, how much more longer can you stay out here?"

"For a few more hours" Elemental replied. The Steve wasn't paying attention when he tripped over a rock and started to fall. Sabre reached out to catch him, but he too was pulled down and since they were on a hill, they rolled down. Eventually they came to a stop.

"That was very clumsy of me" Elemental signed. He heard Sabre giggle below him and when he noticed they're position he flushed bight red: he was on top of Sabre, caging him with his arms and legs. 

"That was fun" Sabre giggled unaware of their position. 

When he didn't hear a reply, Sabre opened his eyes to see Elemental very close to him. 

"Uhh..." Was all Sabre could say.

Elemental, who didn't know what he until he did it, tuck some of Sabre's brown hair behind his ear then traced it down to his cheek. His thumb went over Sabre's lips and leaned in. Both pair of lips soon met and moved in sync with each other. Sabre tugged on Elemental's hair getting him to groan in the kiss.

They pulled away since Sabre needed to breath, but Elemental went straight for Sabre's neck; he pulled - almost rip - Sabre's shirt so he could get to his shoulder. There Elemental bit softly and lick on the soft sink; this got Sabre to shiver and arch his back in pleasure. 

"You know Sabre, we should do this more often" Elemental said in Sabre's ear before he nipped it getting Sabre to gasp, "Who knew you were so sensitive"

"I-I-I" Sabre stuttered.

Elemental chuckle, "Let's do this again my dear, very soon hopefully"


Word count: 595

Request left: 0          

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