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Void Steve x FavremySabre

Anyway I'm doing this High School AU so Bad boy Void x Sabre. Something different.

Requested by JanaFedon


Students in the hallway made way for Void - one of the scariest kid in school - as he walk to his class with a bored look. Nothing really interest Void, to him everyone was just boring. Void enter his class to see Elemental talking to his younger brother Time, not saying anything the ashy hair teen took a seat next to the older black hair brother.

"Hey Void what's up?" Elemental ask. Void shrug his shoulders, he doesn't like interactions with other, even if it's with a person he can stand.

Elemental signed and went back to talking to Time until the teacher came in and told everyone to sit down and that they had a new student.

"Everyone met Sabre Saga" The teacher said gesturing to a kid with light brown hair, a green jacket with a black shirt under it and black pants. What got everyone's interest, even Void, was the black bandanna cover his eyes.

"Hi my name is Sabre and I moved here with my cousin, mom, and two brothers a few weeks ago" Sabre smiled.

"Does anyone have any questions for Sabre?"

Everyone imminently asked about the bandanna over his eyes, students try to yell over each other. No one notice the panic look on Sabre's face or his breath picking; however, one did. Void slammed his hand on the desk getting everyone to be quiet.

"Um, thank you Void" The teacher said not sure what to say to one of the dangerous student. She turn her attention to Sabre who was whimpering and notice that his bandanna was damp, "Sabre, how about you got clean up?"

Sabre nodding and was about to step out when he heard a chair moving. All eyes turn to Void who got out of his set and walk to Sabre.

"I'm coming with you" Void said walking past Sabre who quickly followed not wanting the attention on him anymore.

Void stop at the end of the hallway waiting for the shorter boy to catch up then started to walk to the bathroom.

"T-Thank you" Sabre said.

"They were getting on my nerves" Void said plainly. That was one of the reasons.

"I kind of figure, but thank you anyways" Sabre smiled.

Void mumbled 'whatever' and continue to walk. The two enter the bathroom and Void did his thing as Sabre waited for him.

"Aren't you going to clean up?" Void ask seeing that Sabre was in the same place as he was.

"I will, but I don't want to take my bandanna off" Sabre mumbled to the point Void just heard him.  

Void sign, he pick up Sabre and set him on the counter. Sabre grab his shoulders out of instinct and Void place his hands on both side of Sabre, trapping him.

"V-Void?" Sabre stuttered. 

The teen didn't say anything as he reach for the bandanna which got Sabre to try to get away from him.

"No, please don't"

"Stop" Void commanded. 

Sabre stop moving, but he did flinch when Void put his hands on his bandanna.

"I'm not going to hurt you" Void whispered. He didn't know why, but he felt as though he had to be gentle with the boy.

Sabre nodded and bit his lip as Void removed his bandanna. What Void saw surprised him: one of Sabre's eyes is forest green while the other is light grey. Sabre broke eye contact feeling embarrassed. In all honesty, Void want to look into his eyes longer so he grab Sabre's chin getting him to look into Void's dark red eyes.

"You're are very interesting" Void mumbled. He didn't notice, but he was stroking Sabre's cheek with his thumb.

"V-Void?" Sabre breathed. Void's attention was directed to Sabre's lips where he ran his thumb across feeling how soft they were. He wonders what they taste like. Slowly but surely Void leaned in until his lips were hovering Sabre's.

"You eyes are beautiful and you're lips are soft, but I have to wonder, what do they taste like" Void said before he put his lips on Sabre's.

Sabre moaned in the kiss not knowing whether to kiss back or to push away. Well the latter was impossible when Void wrap his arms around him. And Void chose the first option for him as he got past the brunette's closed lips.

"I knew you would taste sweet" Void whispered when he broke the kiss. 

"What? Why?" Sabre panted confused to what just happen.

"I use to think nothing was interesting anymore, but you Sabre Saga" Void pushed a lock of hair behind his ear, "You are one interesting person and I think I'm going to keep you"

Void then went in for another hungry kiss, loving the smaller boy in front of him.


Word count: 840

Requests remaining: 1      

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