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Rainbow Steve (Shark) x Rainbow Steve (Sabre)

If anyone has a better title please tell me because I got nothing. Also Rainbow from Sabre's world will be nicknamed Colorful and Rainbow from Shark's world is Rain when the two are in the same world so no confusion.

Requested by Maggiebutton


(Sabre's world)

Rainbow was walking in the Rainbow Town when he found a portal made of cobblestone and dirt behind the animal pen with doors in front of it to keep any non-human or Steve from getting in.

"What is this doing here?" Rainbow mumbled to himself. He noticed a notebook laying against the portal with his name on it and picked it up to read it.

To Rainbow, 

I built this portal to go to a friends' world to do them a favor so I'll be back within a few hours.


Rainbow let out a sign of relief knowing it was Sabre who built this instead of someone else. The Steve turned around to leave when he found himself facing a creeper that blew up sending him flying to the portal; he broke through the doors and went inside of the portal. The last thing he saw was the connecting point to his world disappear before he blacked out.


(Shark's world)

Meanwhile in Shark's world, Junior (short for Junior Rainbow) was playing in a field of flowers with Rainbow watching him. The older Steve had to watch over the younger since Shark went to met someone, not that he minded watching Junior.

As for Junior, he picked a few flowers when he sensed something above him. Looking up, he saw a colorful Steve fall from the sky before the portal closed. The Steve landed not to far from Junior who went over out of curiosity.

Colorful (Sabre's Rainbow nickname) let out a groaned still feeling the blast from the creeper and the fall. 

"Out of anytime, why was it there?" Colorful grumbled.

"Are, are you okay?"

Colorful turn to see who said that and jump up in surprise seeing a miniature version of him staring at him.

"Wh-Who are you?" Colorful stuttered.

"I'm Junior Rainbow, but everyone calls me Junior!" The small Steve smiled, "So what's your name?"


Junior tilted his head in confusion, "My dad's name is Rainbow"

(Shark's Rainbow is technically Junior's guardian)


Junior nodded, "Yeah, he looks like you, but he's taller and his eyes are orange. Plus his voice is deeper and-"


Both Steves turned to see an angry Rain running towards them. Colorful was about to run, but Rain tackled him onto the ground and was about to hit him when Junior shouted.

"Dad don't hurt him! He's nice!"

Rain glared at the Steve below him, "Who are you? And why are you here?"

"I-I'm R-Rainbow a-and" Colorful was shaking so bad; he just wants to go home.

"Ether you talk now or I'll make you talk" Rain growled.

"Dad you're scaring him!" Junior cried.


"What is happening?!" 


The said human had come back to get some supplies for the thing him and Sabre were making when he heard Junior yelling at Rainbow. He ran as fast as could over to where they were and realized what was happening in an instance. Knowing who the Steve below Rainbow was, Shark pushed his friend off before the smaller Rainbow Steve had a panic attack.

"Are you okay Rainbow?" Shark ask worriedly. Colorful nodded before curling himself into a ball whimpering.

"Shark, you know this Steve?" Rain ask still keeping an eye on his doppelganger and holding his son behind him for protection.

"He's from Sabre's world. The human with the chicken onesie" Shark said with a bit of irritation in his voice.

Rain nodded with eyes widen remembering that both humans told him that Colorful is almost the opposite of him being very timid.

"Wh-Where is Sabre?" Colorful whimpered.

"I'll go get him, Rainbow look after Rainbow" Shark said running off.

"I'm coming to Uncle Shark!" Junior slipped from his dad and ran after the human leaving Rain with Colorful who was trying to muffle his sobs.

Rain let out a sign, he was guilty for what he did: he acted before anything.

Kneeling down, Rain said, "I'm sorry Rainbow, I was just worried that you had evil intentions when talking to my son and-"

"It's okay, I understand" Colorful smiled, he was no longer crying and uncurl himself to look at Rain, "I get it, you were just being a dad"

Both let out a laugh before falling into a comforting silence.

"You know, Junior was right you do have orange eyes" Colorful commented.

"Yeah, it looks out of place when I'm layered red there" Rain chuckled.

"But they look cute - I mean nice!" Colorful blushed.

"I bet I know something cuter~" Rain gave Colorful a wink, "You~"

Colorful's face flushed and look away in embarrassment, "T-Thanks"

"Anything for you cutie~" Rain chuckled as Colorful groaned.

"I hate you"

"Love you too" It only took a second for Rain to think about what he said before his face flushed and his eyes widen, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't think and and"

Colorful giggled and hugged Rain who was taken aback, but hugged the smaller back nonetheless, 

"You're a nice Steve" 'And a handsome one too' 

"You're nicer than me" 'Plus more adorable'



"Daddy and Rainbow sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First come love then comes marriage then comes the baby in the carriage" Junior giggled watching his dad and Rainbow from a distance with the two humans who were looking at each other.

"Uh, where did he learned that song?" Sabre ask.

"Don't ask" Shark groaned. He should have never sang that out long with the younger Steve present.   


Word count: 970

Requests remaining: 2

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