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I left my notebook at home and I am very sad. I need a hobby... badly. 

If you hadn't seen it, go back to Book 1 for a two-shot of PositiveLucas and NegativeSabre part 2

Nightmare Steve x Positive Steve

Requested by Maggiebutton


Positive let out a whimper, him and his brother were attack then separated from each other. The pain was unbearable to him since him and Negative can't be separated unless there is one of the same aura.

(For example: Negative can be separate from Positive and be fine if he was with Sabre because he has positive aura. If that makes sense)

As of now Positive limped into a cave whimpering every so often.

"I want my brother?" Positive pulled his knees to his chest, it hurts and it keeps on getting worse.

"Where are you Negative?"

Positive stayed in the cave until night time, that's when he heard footsteps. 

"Hello?" Positive's head shot up, he knows that voice.

"Anyone there?" 

"G-go away" Positive tried to yell. Instead of the footsteps going away, they got closer. Soon Nightmare came into his line of sight with a worried look.

"Positive" Nightmare breathed and went closer to the younger Steve who look at him with a fearful expression.

"S-stay away" Positive backed himself as close to the wall as he could.

Nightmare slowly walk over to the red and yellow Steve and gently said, "I'm going to hurt you, I promise."

Positive didn't trust Nightmare words, but the closer he got the better he felt. 

"W-what?" Positive mumbled, "Why do I feel better?"

"Positive, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Nightmare inspect the younger for anything that indicates that he was harm. When he found nothing life threatening, he let out a relief sign.

"W-why are you hear?" Positive ask still weary of the older Steve.

"I seen the humans helping Negative"

Positive jumped up hearing his brother's name, but his legs were still asleep so they gave out on him. The Steve expected to feel cobble, but he felt arms around him preventing him from falling. Positive look up to see it was Nightmare who caught him then help him stand up and held him.

"T-thank you" Positive blushed averting his eyes from Nightmare's.

"Any time Pos" Nightmare smiled not knowing what he just call Positive.

"Wh-what did you call me?" Positive whispered. Only Negative called him Pos, Nightmare did too before he trap them. The three were friends when Nightmare was a Yellow Steve, but his greed for power change him.

"I-I called you Pos. I'm so sorry for everything" Nightmare signed. He truly messed up his relationship with the brothers: Negative was like a brother to him and Positive was ( and still is) the one loves the most.

"I messed up everything. If I hadn't craved power then Negative wouldn't hate me and you wouldn't be heart broken because of me" Nightmare look down in shame.

Positive had a small smile on his face. He placed a hand on one of Nightmare's cheeks getting him to look up.

"You're an idiot." Positive didn't let Nightmare process what he said and placed his lips on the other Steve.

Nightmare was taken aback, but wrap his arms around Positive's waist while Positive wrap his  arms around Nightmare's neck.

"I love you so much Posiy" Nightmare tighten his hold on his love.

"I love you too Nighty" Positive giggled.


Word count: 576

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