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Siren Void Steve x Neko Rainbow Steve

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


When Rainbow was a small neko, he would go to a small lake that was in a forest near his home. Every day he would visit, not know or understanding why he was so tempted to come even though his parents and brother told him there were dangerous creatures that live in the lake. Though he can remember going to the lake and leaving the lake, Rainbow never seemed to remember what happened in between. It was as though something didn't want him to remember anything at the lake.

One day when Rainbow was walking to the lake, he was followed by his older brother, Rev, who wanted to see where the younger was going every day. Rev watch from behind some rocks as his brother stood not far from the water. That's when it happened, a hypnotic voice spoke from the air.

"Come here my little kitten, come closer" A voice said.

Rev could only watch as his 10-year-old brother walk closer to the water, it was as though he was hypnotized by the voice.

Only when Rainbow was ankle deep in water, was when he stopped, and a creature of the water appeared. He has pure black hair and bloody red eyes, what were supposed to be his legs was a tail. This creature was a siren, a dangerous creature that lives in the deep waters.

"That's a good kitten" He said, putting one of his webby hands on Rainbow's cheeks, "So adorable and obedient you are."

The siren kissed Rainbow's check and pulled him closer to him, pulling him further into the water. He then stroke Rainbow's tail making him let out a soft moan.

"Give me your wrist my kitten"

Rainbow held out his arm, with no hesitation which gained him a kiss on the head. The siren grabs his hand and rolled up his sleeve to reveal a marking that almost went around his wrist.

"A few more days and you're all mine, my little kitten" The siren purred, petting the little neko's ears making him purr.

Getting a closer look at Rainbow's wrist, Rev's eyes widen. That marking was a sign of bonding, the siren was practically forcing his brother into bonding with him. Anger coursed through Rev's veins and knew he had to protect his brother from this monster. Picking up a rock, Rev threw it and shouted.

"Get away from my brother!"

The rock landed in the water, splashing water onto Rainbow which snapped him out of his trance.

"Wh..." Rainbow looked around, until his eyes landed on the siren was when he screamed.

Rev ran towards Rainbow; stilling being held onto the siren who was not letting him go any time soon.

"Let me go! Rev help!" Rainbow begged.

The siren growled at the other neko and held his little kitten closer to him, almost dragging poor Rainbow into the water, "Get away from us!"

"No! You're going to let go of my brother or else" Rev growled back, picking up his only weapon: a sick.

At this point, Rainbow was sobbing, begging his brother to help him while he tried get away from the siren.

"Relax my kitten" The siren whispered into the neko's ear, "Listen to my voice, let it sooth you to sleep"

Rev watch as his little brother soon fall limp in the creature's arms.

"What did you do to him?!"

"I just put him to sleep" The siren smirk, petting the sleeping neko's hair, "I guess you know what that mark around his wrist is, don't you?"

The older neko glared at the siren, "I do, you are a monster for forcing a bond between you and my brother."

"A monster you say, hmm"

"Yes, now let my brother go"

"How about we make a deal?"

Rev was taken aback, "A deal?"

"Yes, I'll leave your precious brother alone until he reaches 18 years of age, the youngest age one should be to have a bond. After that, I'll sing my song that I used to draw him here. If you can keep him away for five months, then I'll leave him alone and revoke every part of the bond"

Rev smiled, he almost said yes if the siren hadn't continued.

"However, if he does come, he's mine forever. You cannot come for him, you cannot send anyone for him, you cannot do anything that might cause him to leave me" The siren said "So, do we have a deal?"

The neko weighed his options, if he said no then the siren will take Rainbow then and there, but if he says yes then, Rainbow will have a chance in life.

"Fine, we have a deal"

"Excellent" The siren smirk, "The name's Void, and you're Rev, right?"


Void kissed the top of Rainbow's head before handing him to Rev who took Rainbow not a second sooner and stepped out of the water. Void couldn't help but to chuckle at the neko's reaction, it was cute, but not as cute his neko.

"Know this neko, once I lay my eyes on something, I always get it" Void said, licking his lips looking at the sleeping neko, "Just like I'll get my kitten once the time comes. Until then"

The siren went back into the water, swimming back to the depths of where he lives. All he has to do is wait 8 years until he can sing, and it will be up to Rev if Rainbow gets to choose who he bonds to or from him to take his little brother and make him his.

"Just you wait my little kitten" Void chuckled, "You'll soon be mine and mine alone. I just need that brother of yours to slip up. Until then, I should get this place ready for you"


Word count: 980

Requests remaining: 12

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