SabreLess Part 3

637 9 3

Requested by GalaxyChan6


It has been days since Sabre was tricked once again by Faceless and was afraid to be left alone in case Faceless came back. Each time Ghost or Rainbow approach him, he would ask them a question only they would know for safety measures. The Steves understood Sabre's actions and not once got annoyed when he did this; he had to go through their own paranoids. Unfortunately, the day came when Sabre was left alone as the Steves had matters to tend to and promised to come back. 

Sabre harvesting the garden when he felt someone behind him. Afraid that it was Faceless, Sabre made sure to have a grip on his hoe before he turned; however, he ended up dropping it in shock. Standing in front of him was his cousin: Lucas. The brunette was over come with happiness that he didn't think about why Lucas is back.

"Lucas!" Sabre yelled happily and jumped in the blonde's outstretched arms.

"Hey Sabre, how have you been?" Lucas asked smiling down at Sabre.

"I'm doing great now that you're here. I missed you so much"

"Me too Sabre"

Sabre was about to show Lucas the Rainbow Town when Rainbow arrived. When the colorful Steve seen Lucas, he was about to hug him, but he thought about what happened weeks ago.


"Yes Rainbow"

"Are you sure that's Lucas?"

"Why would you ask that? Of course this is Lucas" 

Rainbow knew his friend was blinded by the happiness of seeing his cousin. Pulling a confused Sabre away, Rainbow asked 'Lucas' a question.

"Why does Sabre cover his eyes?" Rainbow asked. He asked Lucas this question multiple times and he would always say the same thing.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Sabre," Rainbow glared at 'Lucas', "Answer the question"

"Because he doesn't like them" 'Lucas' responded.


"But that's right"

"Lucas, the real Lucas, told me otherwise" Rainbow used his lightning summoner to strike 'Lucas'.

Sabre cried out for his cousin, but he then seen Lucas switched back and forth between him and Faceless until Faceless stood facing the two. Feeling hurt and anger, Sabre told Rainbow to leave them. The Steve was about to argue when he sensed the human's aura and decided to step away, but keep a watchful eye on the two. Once Sabre and Faceless were alone, Faceless was the first to speak.

"That didn't work as long as it should. What do you think Sabre?" Faceless chuckled, but stopped he felt Sabre hit him.

"You disguised as my friends and tricked me, I can handle that. But using my son as a way to get to me to do as you say and disguising as my cousin to trick me once again are things I can not stand"

"Oh come on, I was just playing" Faceless said jokingly.

"Playing, you thing this is a joke" Sabre roared, "To you yes, to me no. You used my family, the only family I ever had, against me! Don't you dare say you didn't know because I know news travels fast"

"It's not like they're gone" Faceless said trying to help the situation, but it made things even worse.

"My son, Light, is gone; Lucas, my cousin, had to stay in his world with no choice ." Sabre's voice cracked as he talked, "You know what, forget about it. You don't care so do what you have to do and go away."

Faceless guilt stab him in his heart over and over again. He knew Light is Sabre's son, but he didn't know he was gone. The same went for Lucas, that explains why the blonde hasn't been seen by anyone.  

"Sabre, I didn't know about Light's passing or Lucas' inability of coming back. For that I am truly sorry" Faceless meant that too.

"Whatever" Sabre said. He just wanted Faceless to leave so he could let everything out.

"Please Sabre, I did what I did with reason, but if I knew about Light and Lucas, I would have never disguise as them"

"Are you done?" 

Figuring the human wouldn't accept his apologizes, Faceless walk over to Sabre and pulled him in a hug. Sabre was surprised when Faceless suddenly hugged him, and he hate to admit it but it felt nice though he never admit it.

"If this is some way to trick me then-"

"No, I'm not tricking you Sabre" Faceless held Sabre tighter, "I want to show you how sorry I am. Though I am considered a bad entity, mocking someone who had pass is unacceptable and I am at fault of it. I know you don't care, but I am truly sorry"

Sabre didn't know what to do: push Faceless away or hug him. He was never one to hold a grudge, that was not in his nature. Faceless was about to let go when he felt Sabre grip his shirt and started to shake uncontrollably. Knowing that the human accepted his apologize, Faceless held him close letting the human let out the pain he's been holding back.


Word count: 819

Requests remaining: 21  

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