09Boss Part 2

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I'ma making this a two in one: this was requested by Mightymiss and I'm adding Alphawolf00001's Possessive Boss x Shark portion. 


It's been a few weeks since Boss pretty must confessed his love for Shark who, thankfully, returned the same feelings. The have been spending much of their time with each other. As of now, Boss was waking up to the smell of food. Smell of food means that his boyfriend was here because sure as sherlock, neither him or Rainbow (who visits once in a blue moon) can not cook to save their life. Getting up from bed and walking in the direction of the smell of food wearing pants, but no shirt to tease his little boyfriend.

In the kitchen, Shark was making him and Boss some breakfast because the last time the Steve cooked, Rainbow was sent to the hospital and had to stay there for two weeks due to food poison. Unknowing to the brunette, behind him stood a half naked Steve leaning on the door frame, checking out the other's body.

"There" Shark smiled at his work, "No it's time to wake up boyfriend"

"If I'm sleeping now, don't wake me up anytime soon" 

Shark jumped and turned to see his boyfriend smirking at him, "B-Boss!"

"Hello cutie" Boss said and walk over to the startled human.

"How long were you standing there?" Shark asked wrapping his arms around Boss' neck who put his hands on his hips.

"Not long, I got a great view though"

Shark blushed red and looked away, "Well b-breakfast is d-done"

"Great, but I was hoping to get something sweet first~" Boss said, peaking Shark's lips.

"Boss" Shark whined, "The food will get cold and I'm hungry"

"I know something that can fill you up~" Boss suggested.

"Not today Boss, I'm still sore" Shark groaned, "GS got a bit carried away with training"

"Fine, but your mine tomorrow" Boss said.

"Kay, now can we eat?"

Boss nodded and let go of the smaller so that they can eat the still warm and delicious breakfast. 

"What are you planning to do today?" Boss asked, "I was thinking about us watching a movie, go on a walk, have a picnic..."

The human gave the Steve an apologetic look, "Sorry Boss, but I made plans with Moose to go to our friends' world. They study Steves and have a library filled with books and research." Seeing the look on his boyfriend's face, Shark added, "We been trying to go to their world for months, and today was the only day-"

Shark stopped talking when the glass in Boss' hand shattered. 


"Quiet" Boss growled making Shark gulped.

The first thing Shark realized about their relationship was that Boss was extremely possessive of him and dislike it when he went out with others without him. The only exception were GS and Rainbow. GS because he was basically Shark's dad. Rainbow because, well, he's Boss' cousin and he wouldn't do anything that brought harm to his son.

The Steve got up and went into his room, leaving Shark a bit scared of what he will do to him later. All Shark could do was to clean up the glass on the ground so no one would step in it and called Moose to cancel their plans, much to the human's dislike.

"Hey Moose, I have to cancel today" Shark said to his brother.

"What? Why?" Moose questioned, "We've been planning this for months"

"Sorry, but Boss-"

"I swear Shark, it's always Boss this, Boss that. Man, I know you love him, but it's like your a pet on a leash and he's your owner. I support you fam, but this isn't healthy" Moose said, voicing his worries.

"But, I can't just leave him, he loves me and I love him"

Moose was quiet, "Alright, but if I hear anything about him hurting you I'll-"

"Moose, please" Shark begged.

"Fine, I'll talk to you later" Moose sign, "Love you bro"

"Love you too man."

Shark hung up and signed to himself, maybe Moose was right, but Boss treated him as an equal, not a pet. Right?

Putting aside those thoughts, Shark went to get the first aid kit in the bathroom then went to Boss' room since the Steve would have cooled down by now. When Shark entered, Boss was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at his hand in silence. Wordlessly, the brunette started to pick any shard of glass from Boss' hand then treated. During this deal, Boss did not flinch or say anything, his eyes were trained on the human kneeling in front of him.

"I canceled my plans with Moose" Shark said once he got done, not looking the Steve at all "I didn't mean to upset you in any means Boss"

Boss didn't say anything at first, then spoke, "It's fine, but you do know the rules right."

"I do, and I'm sorry. I won't make plans without your permission again"

"Good boy" Boss said running his fingers through Shark's hair, "How about we watch a movie?"

Feeling the taller grip his hair, Shark nod.

"Afterwards go for a walk?" 

"Smart boy you are Sharky" Boss smiled. He then pulled the smaller into a kiss which the other melted into right away.


Word count: 863

Requests remaining: 3

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