(1) HypnoSabre

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Hypno Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by youtubelover2019


After the odd conversation that Galaxy, Alex and Sabre had with Hypno, Sabre went on a walk to organize all of his thoughts with the information that the new Steve had just told them. Meanwhile, Galaxy and Alex set up camp as they waited for Sabre knowing that he needed to think. Sabre enjoyed walking in peace and not worrying about anything or anyone for the first time in a while.

"This is nice" Sabre breathed.

"Indeed it is" 

Sabre jumped hearing Hypno's voice coming right beside him.


The Steve gave him a smile before turning his attention back the scenery, "I came back one last time to enjoy this. It reminds me of the last time I ever saw Rainbow after our discussion" Hypno let out a creepy giggle, "You know now that I think about it this is the very spot I last saw the past savior of the Steve; now here I am with the present savior of the Steves"

"Really?" Sabre ask.

"Yep! And I don't think it's a coincidence" Hypno said in a relaxed tone.

"What do you by that?"

Hypno turn to face Sabre, "You were always involved, even in the beginning. You were the one who would show the savoir the path he must follow and if he fails then you would take his place"

Sabre started at Hypno who just shook his head.

"I do apologize, sometimes I do on rants and don't think about what to say"

"It's okay, I had my fair share of them" Sabre chuckled.

"You say" Hypno hummed.

"Yep, every time I figure something out I go on a rant and don't explain anything until I calm down"

Both shared a laugh. 

Hypno flopped on the ground and patted the spot next to him, "Come on take a set"

"I don't know I have to get back to my friends and- whoa!" Hypno grab Sabre's hand and pulled down, but instead of going onto the ground next to Hypno, Sabre landed in his lap.

"Ops" Hypno chuckle.

"I-I'm sorry" Sabre blushed and went to get off of the Steve, but Hypno wrap his arms around him and put his head on his shoulder.

"It's fine, besides this is much nicer" 

Hypno's breath tickled Sabre's neck causing his breath to hitch, "A-Are you sure?"

"Yep, plus this way you won't have to leave so soon" Hypno nuzzled into the human's neck.

Sabre's blush increased, "Um, why don't you want me to leave?"

"Because I like your company, more than anyone else to be honest" Hypno admitted.

Sabre didn't say anything nor did Hypno as they enjoy the sun setting behind the trees and the sky turning different colors.

"What are you going to do after this?" Hypno ask in a regular tone. 

He's been watching Sabre since he 'left' and heard his conversation with Alex and Galaxy. This was the end of Sabre's journey, Hypno knows this very well and he knows that the human will most likely to leave to start anew. The Steve will most defining miss him ever though this is their first actual conversation. Without Sabre, this world is boring to Hypno; he's the only reason he even showed himself with an explanation instead of leaving without a word.

"I don't know really, maybe find somewhere else to go" Sabre said with uncertainty.

Just as Hypno thought, "I hope you find what you are looking for, you do make this world interesting"

"You say" Sabre smiled.

"You are defiantly the most interesting creature I ever met. I hope we will met in the future" Hypno mumbled loud enough for Sabre to hear.

"Me too, you're actually nice being around when you don't laugh creepily" Sabre chuckle, "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, I was told this before." Hypno reassured the human. He then kissed Sabre's check causing the human to go red as red stone.

'Where ever you go, I'll be watching over you'


Word count: 670

Requests remaining: 1  

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