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Evil Steve (ES) x 09Sharkboy

This is somewhat of a part two of EvilEmma because I don't have an actual idea for this.

Requested by MelissaC2000


After learning the spot that him and Emma went to the day before had a huge out break of wither rose, Shark decided to investigate the cave that Emma was in to find the cause. According to the book of flowers he got from Nathan, a wither rose only appear when a Wither kills a mob and even then it depends on the location the mob was when it was killed by the Wither. As far as Shark knows, a Wither has not be summoned over the course of three months and the last time it was summoned was in the dessert no where close to where he and Emma were. So there shouldn't be any wither roses.

Shark spent hours finding the cave Emma found, but it seemed that the cave had disappeared. Signing to himself, the brunette was about to go home when he suddenly felt something prick his foot. Biting off his howl of pain, Shark sat down to look at his foot to find a black petal. Looking around now, the ground was littered with black petals.

"Are these the wither petals?" Shark asked out loud. It was hard to see what they were as it was getting darker so Shark placed a torch down only to find he was on gravel.

Color drained from Shark's face hoping that it was not free floating gravel, unfortunately, his hopes were not answered. Shark let out a scream as he feel into the black abyss before he blacked out.


ES was burning wither roses when he heard screaming, he would thought nothing of it if was one he did not recongize; however, he did recongize this one. Running quickly to where the sound was, ES found exactly he was looking for. When he got closer, fear ran through his veins. Not only did Shark fall a good distance, but he fell on top of a patch of wither roses that ES had yet to deal with. The dark Steve quickly got Shark off the roses then, after making sure there were no petals on the young human, ES ran deeper into the cave.

When Shark started to become concious, he felt he was being stabbed in the back by several needles. He was about to sit up, but he was pushed down making him snap his eyes open. Holding his shoulders to make him stay down was no other than ES.


"Don't stress yourself too much, you're still recovering"

"Recovering?" That's when Shark noticed his shirt was missing and that his torso was wrapped in banages.

"Yeah" ES signed then he got up to get something, "I thought by you learning about the wither roses appearing here would make you stay away, but apperently I was wrong"

"I was curious to why wither roses are here. No one had summoned a Wither for months and the last time someone did was in a desert." Shark explained, "So what happened to me? I remembered falling then I blacked out"

"You fell into the part of a cave where there was a bunch of wither roses and landed on some" ES explained, "You were extremely lucky I got to you when I did or else you would have died"

Shark chuckled oddly, "Yeah, thanks for helping, but why did you? I thought you hated me" 

ES walked back over to Shark with a bottle of something, "Not really, you annoy me, but I don't want you dead. Now I need you to turn onto your stomach"


"I need to rub some more of this lotion on your back, it helps eliminate an infection the wither roses might cause you" ES said, "Now, turn"

Shark did as the Steve said. It still felt odd that this Steve who tried to destroy him and chased him before is now helping him. Tensing up when he felt cold hands rub something colder on his back, Shark then leting out a soft groan. ES was confused when the human let out a strange noise, but continued on what he was going. Every so often Shark would let out a noise that made ES want to hear it even more.

"Enjoying this?" ES (I almost put Shadow) asked putting more pressure on his back knowing the reaction he'll get.

Instead of answering, just like ES wanted, Shark let out a moan and arched his back. As much as ES wanted to take the young human, he knew better than to take advantage of someone in this situation. Shark let out a small whine when ES stopped, it felt so good.

"Why did you stop?" 

"Didn't want to take advantage of you. Besides, you're too young" ES said getting up after he put new bandages on Shark's back.

Shark rolled back onto his back and pouted, "I'm 19, I'm not that young."

"You are to us Steves. You might be 19 in human years, but to Steve you are very young. Younger than all of your friends that I know of"

"How do you judge age?"

"Aura" ES said.

"Can you explain?"

ES kissed Shark's head, "Nope. Remember, you're still injuried so you can't nothing about it"


Word count: 886

Requests remaining: 32

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