
513 7 20

Yandere Faceless x TheLSpike

Requested by MelyC95

High School AU

You know, I started back to do this about a week or so ago, lost the paper I had all the requests on(which was had about 34 or less) and some how I got almost 20 requests now. Is my writing good? Just curious, nothing negative here besides Negative next to me.

Negative: *Waves* 


Faceless was a nickname that he gained when he was younger that stuck will stick to him for years to come. Another nickname he acquired during his middle school years was Copycat. He could pull off being someone else, an exact copy as many said. That was the reason why everyone hated yet feared him, including the teachers who tried not to get on his bad side. When Faceless reached high school, it was the same thing, but people like Nightmare or Void tried to get him to join their gang, but he said no then threaten them at the same time. He had not time for friends whatsoever. Faceless only had one goal and one goal only: make Lucas Spike his.

Lucas is a blonde boy that Faceless knew since toddler years and became obsess with the blue-eyed beauty. Every time Lucas made a friend, Faceless would threaten to ruin their life unless they stopped interacting with the blonde. Now this would hurt Lucas very much, but it went in Faceless' favor since Lucas always comes to him for comfort being his only friend who hasn't left him. Now, how does Lucas not know about Faceless' motives? Well Faceless made sure no one told him and that he was never alone with someone who knows Faceless.

Onto the story.

"W-Why does everyone l-leave me?" Lucas sobbed in Faceless' chest.

Grant who was Lucas' friend for a few months, suddenly told him they cannot hangout anymore and left the blond crying in the bathroom where Faceless found him.

"Because people are like that, they leave once they get done with you" Faceless said, petting Lucas' soft blonde hair.

"D-Does that mean y-you'll leave me s-soon?"

"Honey" Faceless said softly, saying the nickname he gave Lucas years ago, "I would and never will leave you. I swear to you that I'll always be with you no matter what"


Faceless kiss the top of Lucas' head then said, "Forever"

After a few minutes, Lucas calmed down and Faceless, very reluctant, let the blonde go so they could get to class. Once they got there, late of course, and sat in their seats in the back, the teacher started his lecture only to be interrupted when the door opened.

"Sorry for the interruption, but I'm Gene, I'm new here" A boy with green hair and eyes said walking in.

"Alright Gene, you can sit next to Lucas, the boy wearing the hat" The teacher, Void, said.

There was a not hat indoors policy and Void would have given the blonde detention if it weren't for Faceless. He had threatened Lucas with detention if the blonde didn't give up his hat which he did as tears shed from his eyes. After school, Faceless had shown up to Void's class and told him if he didn't allow Lucas to wear his hat, then he'll tell Void's 'wife' that he was cheating on her with the science teacher, Galaxy. Now Void wouldn't care as he was planning to get a divorce, but it was the fear of losing his son that made him keep his mouth shut.

Gene walk to the back, his eyes not once move off the blonde who was preoccupied with drawing. Faceless glared at the new kid, he didn't like how he was looking at his Lucas.

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