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Negative Steve x Positive Steve

Requested by DarkLight010


Positive was trying his best to muffle his giggles as he and his brother watch as the two humans and colorfully Steve freaking after seeing them. The brothers were hiding be hide a large tree after playing a small prank on the three.

"That was so funny Neg" Positive said once he clamed down, "Let's do it again"

The older of the two put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Leave them be for now, it's getting late anyways."

Positive pouted, he wanted to scare the three more, but who is he to deny his older brother request.

"Fine" Positive signed then grab his brother's hand and then teleport away.

The two ended up in a thick jungle where their house was hidden from everyone. Once there, Negative went into the kitchen to make him and his brother some food while Positive sat down at the table and watch his older brother. 

"Don't you have anything else to do while I cook?" Negative said, not looking at the other.

"No" Positive said still starting at Negative, "Neg, can we do something?"

"Not now, I'm cooking and later I want to play with Polly" 

Polly was their, more like Negative's, pet parrot.

"You spend too much time with that bird" Positive growled.

"I make sure to spend an even amount of time between you two" Negative said calmly.

'But you should pay more attention to me than that dumb bird' Positive thought bitterly.

It was obvious that Positive was jealous of a little bird, he hates that his pays any attention to anything besides him. As for Negative, he didn't really see it, he just thought Positive wanted a pet like he does.

"You know you can look for a pet of your own if you want something to spend time with" Negative suggested.

Positive silently got up and walk over to Negative until he was behind him. Negative tensed a little bit when he felt a pair of arms hung him and a head on his should blade.

"Pos, what are you doing?" Negative asked confused from his brother's actions.

"I want you to pay attention to me"

"I do Pos, I spend the majority of the day with you"

"But I want you to pay attention to me alone, not me and some bird"

Turning the stove off, Negative turned so he would face Positive. This is one of the rare times that he could not understand his brother. He understands that Positive loves attention, especially from him, but why he wants it all the time is a mystery.

Holding his brother by his shoulders, Negative said, "Pos, what is wrong? Ever since I got Polly, you've been acting odd. I understand you want attention, but there are times I have to split my attention between you and something else."

"But you should only give me attention" Positive pouted like a child.


"We've been through everything together! We are all we got and promise not to let each other behind!"

"Are you scared that I'm going to replace you with a bird? Pos, you are more important her"

"It's not just about the bird!" Tears fell from Positive's eyes, "One day you're going to abandon me for someone else! Or leave me to live your own life! I know I'm not the best younger brother, I drag you around, do things that you told me not to do, get both of us in trouble, mess with-"

"Stop!" Negative shouted making the younger close his mouth instantly.

Signing, Negative look at the mess his brother has become then engulfed him in a hug.

"Yes you do all those things and yes I do not like them. I could have said no or leave you to do whatever you want. However, I never did because I care too much for you. If it was anyone else then yes I would leave them, but when it comes to you, I would do anything to keep you safe. And if I ever find someone, I'll do everything in my power to include you. Finally, you are the best little brother I could ever have, not once have I wished or expect anything different from you except you being you." Negative then hugged Positive, "You're my little brother and I would trade everything have to keep you safe."

"N-Neg-" Positive started to sob

"Shh" Negative ran a hand up and down the younger's back in a soothing motion, "Let it out, big brother is and will always be here for you"

And let it out Positive did. All the thoughts and worries he had about his brother leaving him over the past several years were put at ease.

"I love you Possy"

"I love you too big brother"


Word count: 803

Requests remaining: 14

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