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Mark x FavremySabre

If you do not know who Mark is then go see 'Forced yet Regretted' and to understand this plot. Another thing, why did I chose the name Mark? If I known he or the whole 'force mark' thing would get some popularity than I would have named him something else that's a bit cooler, but what's done is done. 

Also, Sabre has his bandanna on in the real world, but when he's in his mind he does not. 

Requested by GalaxyChan6


Sabre sat comfortably in Dark's lap while he read a book. It's been a few days since the incident with Mark and Elemental, and things had finally calmed. Elemental has been forgiven by everyone involved and reconnected with Time. As for Mark, he was still out there, planning something. Sabre hasn't told anyone, not even Dark, but he could still feel Mark's presence in his mind sometimes. 

"Phoenix" Dark said pulling Sabre out of his thoughts, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Dar" Sabre smiled. He put his book on the coffee table next to them before he sat up in Dark's lap and cuddled with him.

Dark smiled at his human and wrap around him, "If you say so love"

They stayed like this for hours, it was their favorite thing to do with each other; well for Dark it was tied along with having Sabre under him and screaming his name. They were happy with each other, especially now that Rainbow knows about their relationship; Sabre was so scared to tell the colorful Steve and he would reject their relationship, but he was wrong as Rainbow encourage them.



"I have to go, I got a message from Elemental and he needs my help" Dark said sadly.

"When will you come back?" Sabre said with the same sadness. It's hard for marked pairs to be separated for some time, to them a day could feel like a week.

"About two days and they we'll have each other once again" Dark smiled trying to cheer up his precious phoenix.

" 'Kay, tell Elemental I said hi" 

Dark kissed Sabre's head before he got up and teleport away. Sabre felt a pang of loneliness hit him and decided to sleep to help ease the feeling. Once Sabre did fall asleep, he found himself in a place that he never thought of ever seeing again.


(Sabre's mind)

Sabre found himself in a dark room with his writs chained to a wall. No matter how hard he tugs, the chains did not once budge.

"Hello again, my puppet"

Sabre paled at sound of the oh so familiar voice. Looking up, the brunette saw Mark smirking at him.

"M-Mark!" Sabre whimpered and tried to put as much distance away from him and the entity.

"Oh Sabre, my dear puppet" Mark walk closer to Sabre, "How long has it been since we last meant each other? How long has it since I've touched you?"

Mark touched Sabre's cheek which made the human flinch at the contact.

"The fear within your eyes just from a mere touch is so beautiful" 

"Stay away from me!" Sabre shouted after he regained his fiery confidence.

Mark sat in front of Sabre then pulled him onto his lap, the same position Sabre and Dark were moments ago.

"Unfortunately, I can't" Mark said with fake sadness, "You see, when Elemental forced mark you he made a connection between us that can not break. Unless one of us dies or we accept each other my puppet"

"No! I belong only to Dark! I will not accept you!" Sabre screamed. 

Mark smirk, he already knew Sabre's answer, but he also knows that Sabre would not kill him, that's not in his nature.   

"Too bad, you're going to be mine one way or another my puppet"

Before Sabre could say anything, Mark had smashed his lips onto Sabre and forced himself onto the poor human. The brunette felt something burn inside of him that told him to accept Mark, but something else told him to reject him. As Sabre was facing a mental battle, Mark took advantage of him. The entity started to leave his own mark all over Sabre's neck. Mark knew exactly what he was doing and that soon the human will truly become his puppet.

After Elemental revoke the mark he placed on Sabre, Mark made his own so that they would have their own connection. Now Mark his using his power of influence to change Sabre to be his perfect puppet. If he keeps this up then any and every trace of Sabre being paired with Dark will fade and the human will be Mark's forever.

"M-Mark" Sabre moaned softly.

"Yes my puppet?" Mark smirk.

Sabre tried to wrap his arms around Mark, but the chains stopped him making him whine.

"Please unchain me" Sabre pleaded.

"Hmm, will you be a good puppet?" Mark asked. He wasn't too sure Sabre was his yet, it will take some time for his power to work.

"Yes, I promise"

"Alright then" 

The chains disappeared from Sabre's wrists.

"Now where were we-"

Mark was interrupted when Sabre punched him in the face then got up and ran (Hit me baby one more time, lol). The human knew if he got far enough from Mark then he would be freed from Mark's grasp. Once he is and when Dark comes back, Sabre is going to tell Dark everything.

"You can't get away from me puppet!" Mark screamed.

"I'm not your puppet!" Sabre screamed, "And I will never be yours! I only belong to Dark!"

Before Mark could get his hands on Sabre, the human disappeared in a flash of light leaving a very angry Mark.

"Oh Sabre, my dear puppet, I will have you just like I will have my princess. I will have everything I want and you won't have a choice. In the end, I'm the one in control. I'll have all of you where I want you: Elemental begging, Dark utterly heartbroken, and I will have both of you in my grasp"


Word count: 1025

Requests remaining: 9

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