SabreLess Part 2

836 13 3

Requested by HeathAnders


Once again Sabre was alone in the Rainbow Town as Rainbow went off on another journey after not leaving Sabre's side after two or three weeks after the whole 'Faceless disguise as Rainbow then when he was found out took Sabre' fiasco. Don't get me wrong, Sabre likes Rainbow's company as much as the next person, but it got a little annoying after the first few days. So when Rainbow went out, Sabre found a bit of relief in that. Besides, he has Ghost to keep him company, speaking of which.

"Ghost!" Sabre said happily finally finding the Steve.

Ghost turned to Sabre and gave him a small smile, "Hi Sabre, what is up?"

Sabre shrugged his shoulders, "Rainbow is out and I was thinking we could hang out"

The Steve nodded and the two went over the stables to feed Fake Lucas, Fake Sabre and the several Baby Fake Sabres.

"I'll go get more wheat" Ghost said loud enough for Sabre to hear.

"Okay, I'll stay with here with Fake Lucas" Sabre patted the horse and watch as Ghost walk away as he comb the horse's mane.

"I should get Lucas to come back its been a bit" Sabre mumbled to himself finishing up with Fake Lucas who nugged him playfully getting him to giggle. 

All of a sudden, Fake Lucas went wild as though it was angry.

"Hey hey, what's wrong bud" Sabre said as he tried to calm the horse down.

"Hey Sabre"

Sabre turned to see Ghost standing behind him.

"Ghost? That was fast, was there wheat in one of the chest?" Sabre ask noticing that Fake Lucas and now Fake Sabre are going wild.

"What is wrong with them?" Ghost ask looking at the animals.

"I don't know, they just started to act like this" Sabre said turning away from Ghost and tried to calm the animals down, "I think they sense something bad, do you think Faceless or an evil Steve is near"

"I think their closer than you think" Ghost mumbled, but Sabre didn't hear him.

"Can you repeat th- wait Ghost!" 

The Steve pinned Sabre to the wall with an smirk on his face.

"You should never turn your back on anyone" Ghost snickered.

"Y-You're not G-Ghost" Sabre struggled to get out of the Ghost imposter.


Sabre turned his head to see the  real Ghost shaking in fear as the wheat in his arms fell onto the ground.

"Aww, but I didn't get to play" 'Ghost' pouted. In a flash of light, Ghost was replaced with Faceless.

"Just let me go Faceless" Sabre growled.

"That's a good idea, I can get rid of the Steve then I can have you" Faceless grinned letting go of Sabre and advance towards Ghost who was frozen in fear.

Sabre grab Faceless' wrist getting the entity attention on him.

"Don't hurt him please" Sabre begged.

"Fine, but I want something" Faceless said sizing up Sabre with an glint in his eyes.

"What is it?" Sabre ask. He had a feeling that he already knows the question.

"You should know Sabre" Faceless smirk playing with a lock of Sabre's brown hair.

"Ghost go to the bunker" Sabre ordered not looking at the Steve.

"B-But Sabre" 

Sabre look at Ghost with a gentle expression, "I'll be fine, just go"

Ghost nodded and ran, giving Sabre a worried look.

"You don't like to have an audience Sabre?" Faceless chuckle.

"Let's get this over with" Sabre signed not wanting this at all.

Faceless wrap an arm around Sabre and pulled him close, "But this time, let's do it longer"

Sabre's face flushed red and prepare himself as Faceless put his lips on his own. When Sabre tried to pull away, Faceless put a hand on the back of his head to prevent him from doing so. The longer they kissed the less air Sabre had. He put his hands on Faceless' shoulders, digging his nails into his clothing and skin bound to leave marks. The entity didn't even flinch as he holds Sabre closer, deepening their kiss. Eventually Sabre went limp from the lack of air, even then Faceless continued until Sabre was not moving at all. Faceless picked up Sabre bridal style and held him close.

"I wish you can see yourself Sabre, you look absolutely adorable" Faceless cooed. The entity walk over to the area he seen Ghost ran to before disappearing. 

With one last look at the human in his arms, Faceless put him down onto the ground for his friends to find him.

"Until next time" Faceless whispered and kissed Sabre head before teleport away.


Word count: 770

Requests remaining: 0

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