TimeSabre Part 2

684 14 7

Requested by MoonStoneBeagle


Time woke up feeling something heavy on his chest, when he look down he seen it was Sabre cuddling him. Who knew someone as stubborn and crazy as Sabre would look so cute and peaceful while  sleeping? Time couldn't believe he confessed his feelings yesterday to Sabre only to find out that the brunette had shared the same ones. 

There was a knock on the door before it was opened to reveal Galaxy carrying a tray of food for two.

"Hey Time, how are you feeling?" Galaxy whispered not wanting to wake up the human.

Sitting up without waking Sabre, Time said, "Doing much better now that I don't have a fever and that Sabre likes me too." Pointing at the food "Is that for us?"

"Yeah, I'm not the best cook, but it's the best I could do. Hopefully it's edible" Galaxy said and put the plate of food on teh nightstand.

"It looks and smells good" Time complimented. 

"But it's nothing compared to Sabre's" Galaxy smiled. He then took this time to examine the sleeping human and Time.

"You two are so cute together"

Time played a little bit with the brunette hair, "Thank you, I'm glad you accepted us"

"Of course I would, I'll leave you two now" Galaxy said as he excused himself from the room.

"Is he gone?"

Time looked down to the used to be sleeping human and seen Sabre's light grey eyes looking up him.

"Yeah, how long have you been awake?" Time asked as he sat up properly now that he didn't have to worry about waking up Sabre. 

"A few minutes" The human said. He went to sit up but was stopped and pulled back down onto Time's chest.

"I want to stay like this for a bit longer" Time answered Sabre's unsaid question.

Sabre blushed red, but snuggled against Time's side nonetheless as he enjoyed it as much as the Steve was. Time picked up the plate of food that Galaxy made and started to go between eatting himself and feeding Sabre. It was so adorable to see Sabre blushing and acting as a baby as Time fed him. Once they were done, the Steve put the plate on the nightstand and put an arm around Sabre.

"What now?" Sabre asks.

"Well I-I wanted to a-ask, do you w-want to be with m-me?" Time asked slightly afriad of Sabre's answer.

Sabre smiled and propped himself with one arms giving him enough height that allowed him to kiss Time's cheek, "Of couse I will"

Having his answer, Time pulled Sabre on his lap then put an arm his back and a hand lightly up and down Sabre's neck. 

"You know I have to mark you and it will hurt a bit" Time warned tilting Sabre's neck so more of his smooth skin would be exposed, "Are you sure? Once I do this, there's no going back"

Sabre lightly squeezed Time's hand and nodded, "I'm sure, I love you Time"

Leaning in to the delectable skin, Time nibble it softly getting small moans from the human. It was when Sabre tensed and let out a noise that Time knew that was his sweet spot. Breaking the skin, the Steve made his mark, claiming Sabre as him. Afterward, the black hair lick the mark then pulled away to see how Sabre was fair. Between his panting, flushed face and the distant look in his eyes, Time wanted to take Sabre then and there, but wanted to take his relationship with the human slowly. 

"You're mine now Sabre~" Time grinned.

Sabre didn't say anything as he rolled back onto the bed and fell asleep once again. The Steve figured that this would happened and wrapped his arms around the human who tried to get closer to the source of warmth.

"I love you Sabre" Time said as he drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too Time" Sabre mumbled.


Word count: 648

Requests remaining: 19

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