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Illusion Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by inksanslove229MelissaC2000AriaGuardian

Special thanks to GalaxyChan65 for requesting and for the prompt as I had no idea on how to start this.


Illusion sign to himself in frustration, no matter what he did, he could not fulfil Galaxy's wish of making this world as he desires. He was created to make his creator's wish become reality, but he can not do such thing. The Steve walk through the forest he came across earlier and hoped that by clearing his mind will show him the way. Unfortunately, he could not as his mind was filled with worry and his heart filled with dread. As Illusion approach a forest clearing, he heard two voices: a male and a female.

Hiding behind a tree, Illusion peer around to see it was someone in a chicken suit and an Alex. He recongize these people from Galaxy's memory: the one in the chicken suit was Sabre, a human and a great friend of Galaxy; and the Alex was Alex, Galaxy's love interest.

(I ship Galex :P)

The Steve listen to their conversation and found that the human desired what his creator wanted, but was trying to work to get that world. Illusion thought for a moment, then he hears it

'If only this could be a dream or an illusion'

(That sentence was never said, I think)

That word, illusion, caught Illusion's attention. Maybe he could create an illusion to please his creator. Now that he thinks about it, he should have had that idea since his name is literally illusion.

(Insert facepalm)  

Not waiting to heard the rest of the human and Alex's conversation, Illusion went to work.


(Days later)

As Illusion finish creating his world, he thought back to Sabre and Alex. They would be problematic, especially Sabre since he was not of this world and would not fall for the illusion he created. He tried to convince them to accept the illusion, Alex was hesitated, but seemed to accept it. Sabre, on the other hand, was a different story, refused to do such thing. At first Illusion thought it was because the brunette was angry at him for his best friend who was now in the Spirit Realm, but it went much deeper. Since Sabre rejected the illusion, Alex followed suit.

The Steve was upset at this and did everything to get Sabre on his side, even threaten him. As Galaxy's memories had shown him, Sabre was the most stubborn and persistent person he will ever met. Finally, Illusion decided to go on with his plan, with or without Sabre condolences.    

After turning the world into his illusion, Illusion watch everything and everyone change. Though his whole attention was on Sabre. The Steve could have destroyed him, but something was preventing him from doing so.

'Why does my heart feel heavy when I try to destroy that human? He is nothing or he's suppose to be nothing' Illusion thought to himself.

"Sir?" A female voice said.

"Yes Alex?" Illusion said not looking up. Just as he planned, Alex fell into the illusion and Sabre was the only thing in the way.

"You seem down, is something wrong"

"Nothing is wrong" Illusion signed, he then got an idea, "Actually I have a task for you"

"What is it?"

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