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Hypno Steve x Rainbow Steve (Steve Saga Origins)

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Rainbow looked all around him, the world he was in is not his; it was too peaceful. He didn't dwell on it too much because he had to find Blue then find a way out of this place. Though he did not have much luck finding anyone, but he did feel as though someone was watching him. 

"Blue! If you can hear me then-" Rainbow stop mid-sentence when he heard shuffling in the bushes near then seen a figure running away.

"Wait! Stop!" Rainbow ran after the figure, but he lost it in the trees. He let out a sign of defeat, the one person who could have helped him is now gone. The Steve was about to go back to searching when he heard a familiar voice.


Rainbow turned to see Blue smiling at.


Rainbow ran to his friend and engulfed him in a hug spinning him around. Blue giggled and wrap his arms around Rainbow's neck.

"Blue I've been looking for you for hours." Rainbow signed happily, "Something isn't right, we have to get out of here now"

Rainbow went to run, but Blue held his hand.

"But everything is fine here Rainbow. Why do you want to go back?"

"Blue, don't you feel it? This isn't our world, come on" Rainbow tired to pull Blue, but he didn't budge.

Rainbow turn to his friend and was about to say something, but that's when he noticed Blue's eyes; they were purple, not bright grey. Rainbow let go of Blue and back away slowly.

"You're not Blue" 

"What are you talking about Rainbow?"

"Blue has bright grey eyes, not purple"

"Oh, let me fix that" Blue's eyes change color, but Rainbow could still tell the difference.

"Just who are you" Rainbow growled, "And what did you do to Blue"

The gentle smile on Blue's disappear before he started to laugh sinister.

"I guess I underestimate you and Blue's bond! How silly of me?!"

"Just who are you?!" 

'Blue' just giggled and walk over to Rainbow who back himself into a tree.

"Me? Well I was that thing you saw in that machine. Though I've been watching you for quite a time" 'Blue' giggled.

"Just tell me who are you and what did you do to Blue?!" 

'Blue' signed before he let out an insane laugh and turn into another Steve, "You can call me Hypno and Blue is fine, I can promise you that"


"I love it when you say my name" Hypno purred.

"What do you want?" 

Hypno hug Rainbow and nuzzle his head into his neck, "What to I want? Well I'm glad you ask"

Hypno pulled back and held Rainbow's cheeks with his hands, "I want you"


"Yes you" Hypno giggled, "Like I said, I've been watching you for quite a bit and I decided I want you"

Hypno wrap his around Rainbow's neck and whispered in his ears, "If it makes any difference, you can think that I am Blue."

Rainbow's thoughts went back to Blue and how he was doing. Though he didn't dwell on it too long when he felt he felt a pair of lips on his. For a moment he thought it was Blue and kissed back, but he realized what was happening when he felt hands on his hips. Then again he's enjoying it and wrap his arms around Hypno's neck.

Hypno pulled away and let out a insane giggled, "You taste good Rainbow"

Rainbow blushed and look away as Hypno muffle his giggles.


Word count: 604

Requests remaining: 0

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