ShadowLucas Part 3

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Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngelMelissaC2000


Shadow's eyes widen when Plague told the truth to Lucas and the whole room. He was expecting the blonde to yell or coward away from him, but instead he heard laughter. Everyone in the room, including Shadow and Plague, look at Lucas as though he lost his mind.

"Why are you laughing?" Plague asked.

Wiping an invisible tear from his eye, Lucas smiled, "Is this a prank Plague? You can't make me believe that my husband for two years, my love interest since high school, is actually Shade. This is one of your best pranks Plague, but making up a story so I would divorce Shadow? That is a new low for you"

"I'm serious Lucas, he" Plague pointes to Shadow, "Is Shadow, here, I'll prove it"

If Lucas didn't believe Plague's words then he would believe when he sees Shadow's face when he pulls off the mask. Shadow had to do something, and fast if he wants to protect his marriage. So he did the one thing he never wanted to do: he aimed the gun to Lucas.

"Back away if you don't want to get a bullet in your head" Shadow said in an even tone. 

Lucas stopped laughing as his blue eyes widened in fear along with Plague. Both did as Shade said and got onto the ground then watch as Shade robbed the bank. Plague did not expect Shadow to point the gun at Lucas, is he really using the blonde as a cover?

Minutes before anyone could here the sirens, Shade had already ran out of the bank with thousands of dollars. Plague was about to comfort Lucas, but he was gone before the greenette could.


Shadow enter his home with a smile on his face. He felt very guilty for pulling a gun on his husband, but thankfully he won't ever do it again. 

"Lucas, I'm home~" Shadow called out as he opened the door.

When Shadow didn't hear or see Lucas, he got a bit worried.

"Lu? Are you here?"

Shadow seen a note on the kitchen counter next to a picture of him and Lucas. Picking up the note, it read,

'To Shadow or should I call you Shade now? 

I can't believe that you were a robber! And you didn't tell me! I had to learn form Plague, who I thought was lying the whole time. I found it was odd when he asked me to come to the bank Shade was robbing. I was generally afraid that I was going to be killed only to find that Shade seemed afraid of  me and just made threats to me. I would never had thought my sweet and loving husband was someone I could not recognized. That was until I found something that only you had. Now I'm going to ask you, what are you missing?

Shadow thought to himself, but couldn't come up with anything.

If you can't figure it out then look under the picture

Underneath the picture was...

Tears streamed down Shadow's face as he fell to the floor and the note feel on the floor as well followed by two small objects.

'Just know I'll always love you, but have you ever loved me or was I just a cover to you?

Ether way, I hope you have a nice life

Love (I was crossed out)

From Lucas. The man who was lied and used by the person he thought loved him'


Word count: 795

Requests remaining: 23


Did you think it was over?

(Good ending)

Shadow seen Lucas with tear stains on his cheeks standing behind the kitchen counter.

"Lu? Is everything okay?"

 "Do you love me?" Lucas asked in a hurt tone.

Shadow's eyes widen, "I do, what makes you think I don't?"

Lucas couldn't hold it any more and cried, "I know you're Shade! And that you were just using me as a cover"

"H-How did you-?"

Lucas pulled out a ring, more specially Shadow's wedding band that he hardly ever takes off.

"I found it after Shade left the bank."


"I want you to answer me this honestly, was I just a cover for you?"

Shadow walked over and hugged Lucas, "If anything, you are the reason I want to stop this. You are everything to me except a cover Lucas. I wanted to give you a life that you deserved, a life that we didn't need to worry about. I love you Lucas, and I will always until death do us part"

Lucas couldn't hold back any more as he hugged Shadow back and sobbed in his chest.

"I'm so sorry Lucas, I just wanted to make you happy."

"You can make me happy by just holding me like this"

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