DarkPlague Part 3

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Requested by DarkLight010VanaTheDevilishAngelMelissaC2000


Nightmare's red eyes glared at Plague who had his son on his lap and his hands were tied. Grabbing his sword, Nightmare growled out.

"What in the Neither's name are you doing to my son?!" Nightmare stormed over, grabbed Dark, pulled him away from Plague, and untied his hands. 

No longer near Plague, the fuzziness that clouded Dark's mind lifted and he was able to think clearly.  

"Where?" Dark blinked then look around, "Nightmare? What's happening?"

"Looks like my fun with the Dark Prince is over" Plague sign and got up from the bed, in return, Nightmare pushed Dark behind him, "And we were about to get to the best part. Weren't we my Dark Prince" 

"What were you planning to do with him Plague?" Nightmare asked still glaring at the Steve and pushed Dark further behind him.

Plague smirk, "You see my king, I was hoping that the Dark Prince could entertain me for a bit. I mean I was going to let him go after our little session that you rudely interrupted"

"Hey! I'm not some toy you can play with!" Dark glared, but that went away when he felt his body heat up to the point he feel to his knees panting.

"Dark!" Nightmare kneeled down to see what was wrong with the younger Steve.

"Appears the infection is trying to get control again" Plague said.

"Infection? What did you do Dark?" Nightmare growled and stood up ready to destroy the green/blue Steve.

Plague shrugged, he walk over, ignoring Nightmare's glare, and put his hand on Dark's shoulder making him groan and shift closer to Plague.

"You see my king, I have the ability to infect others to do as I want" Plague started to explain, "Most subdue to my control, those who are like you are unaffected and on the rare occasion, you have people like Dark."

Both Steves glanced at Dark who was practically clinging on Plague's leg much to Nightmare's dismay.

"Dark is one of the rare ones that will fight the infection which results for him to get sick. Though when I touch him, the infection takes over. The moment we are separated, his body returns back to fighting the infection making Dark sicker."

"And why are you toying with him?"

Plague chuckled, "I had my eye your dear little son for a long time. This is not the first time I came to your castle, in fact I've been watching all of you for months."

"Plague" Dark panted trying to get the Steve's attention.

Smirking at the king, Plague pulled Dark up so he was standing then Dark latched  himself onto Plague. Nightmare was about to grab Dark, but Plague stopped him.

"If you separate Dark from me, his body won't take it" Plague warned, "In a way, I'm saving your son"

While Plague and Nightmare were talking, Dark was on cloud nine. He couldn't focus on anything. There was a voice telling him to please Plague and do as he says, but there was another voice telling him to fight it. The longer he had physical contact with Plague, the louder the voice became. Dark another hand on his shoulder making the voice that told him to fight it louder. Glancing at the other Steve and taking in his features, things in Dark's mind clicked.

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