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Professor Red x Blue Steve

Human AU. I don't know why I did this, but I did it.

Requested by DarkLight010


Red was always seen as the type of person who prized his work over everyone and thing else. He did not care about family or friends or a life outside of work. Red is a scientist famous for his findings in chemistry and has been awarded many awards during his lifetime and was admired by many, but he could care less about the latter. So what confused everyone was when a young male came to Red's workplace asking for him.

"Um, sir are you sure you are looking for this man? And that you're his boyfriend?" One of the scientists asked Blue for the fifth time pointing to a picture of Red.

"Yes sir" Blue smiled though he was a bit annoyed with the person for asking him the same question several time.

"Alright then, follow me" The scientist, Pearl, said. Pearl has been working with Professor Red since he joined and she never heard that he had any relationships outside of work.

The two arrived in the area where scientists test out their invention and where Professor Red spends most of his time.

"Um, Professor Red, your, um, boyfriend is here to see you" Pearl said through a microphone for everyone to hear.

Any and all noise ceased, the only noise was Professor Red's footsteps walking over where Blue and Pearl were.

"Hey Red" Blue smiled and hugged the red head.

"Hello Blue, what are you doing here?" Red asked petting Blue's hair.

"You haven't come home in days and I was getting worried" Blue said with sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry Blueberry, I've been occupied"

"Can you come home? I don't want to be alone"

Everyone watch the engagement between Professor Red and his boyfriend. No one could believe that he had anything to do with the outside of his work. Comparing the couple, Red seemed twice as old as Blue who just seems he just got out of high school.

"I will. To make it up to you, I'll take off work for a month" Red said putting a hand on Blue's check.

That was a big shocker, Red never took off from work unless he was forced to and he was only off Wednesdays and Sundays.

"Can you afford it?" Blue asked worried that Red would get in trouble for taking off for weeks.

"I'll have to ask, but my boss should to say yes. Even if he didn't, I would still take off. You are more important than all of this"

And there went half of the room either passing out from shock or from the cuteness of the two, mainly from shock. Red saying that was a once in a lifetime experience along with seeing him in a relationship with someone.

 "You're the best!" Blue hugged Red once again.

"If you say I am" Red smiled softly.

Red used Smile on the crowd.
It was super effective.
The crowd fainted.

"Do you want to stay here until I get off work Blueberry?"

"Yes please"

Red took Blue by the hand and lead him to his station, passing Red's shock coworkers.

 "I also made you lunch, I figured you would be hungry" Blue said patting his bag.

Once he said that, Blue felt Red pick him up, spin him around and kissed him on the lips.

"Have I ever told you I love you so much?" Red asked happily. He didn't think he could take another day eating take out or the cafeteria food besides Blue makes the best food ever.

"Every time we talk" Blue giggled.

"Come on, let's eat in my office" Red look over to his coworkers, "Actually, you know where it is, I'll met you there Blueberry"

"Already, Professor~" Blue giggled and walk off.

Red turned to his coworkers, "Anything to say?"

"How long have you two been together?"

"How did we not know about this?"

"How old is that dude?"

"Are you two getting married?"

"Isn't he too young for you?"

"Where did you two met?"

Where the main questions.

"Five years, because you're too nosey that I didn't want none of you to know, 26 years old, not answering, no, and at one of the award ceremonies" Red answered, then turned to his boss, "Is it alright if I take off for a month?"

Regaining his composure, Red's boss clear his throat, "Um, yes, take as much time as you need Red"

"Thanks. Oh, and don't any of you dare spy on Blue and I or else." Red warned before he walked away.

The scientists looked among each other not knowing what to do. No one expected to find that Professor Red was in a relationship or had a life outside of the lab.

"What now?" Someone asked breaking the silence.

"Welp I'm getting started on that wedding" One answered.


"Because Blue makes Red happy and a happy Red means he goes easier on us"

A group of trainees volunteer to get started on the plans while other argue what position they will get at the wedding; even the boss had to fight to be Red's best man. As for those who kept a level head, they made sure no one disturbs to couple and that things don't get out of hand. Though there are those who are going to pry on how the duo met.

As for Red and Blue, they were having fun talking to each other, occasionally Blue would feed Red some food.

"How did I get so lucky?" Red asked holding Blue.

"What do you mean?"

"How does someone like you can love someone who loves his work more than anything. Or is egotistic at times? Or someone who isn't home for weeks on end?"

"Because I know when the time comes, you'll chose me over everything else." Blue answered then kissed the professor.


Word count: 990

Requests remaining: 20    

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