GuardianSabre Part 2

652 14 16

Requested by inksanslove229 and JanaFedon


After Sabre and Guardian made up, they walk back to the cave where Alex waited for them, well for Sabre. The two chatted happily while holding hands. Guardian was happy that Sabre forgive him, it hurt him so bad when he realized what he told Sabre once he calmed down. What he did was truly uncalled for and Sabre deserves nothing but happiness after what he's been through.

Curious, Guardian asked Sabre, "If you can have anything in the world, what would it be?"

It didn't take long for the brunette to answer, "I can't answer that question Guardian, the one thing I want is something I can never have" His answer sounded as though he said this a million times before.

Guardian frowned, what has this world done to someone like Sabre? The two walked in silence as Guardian was trying to figuring how to make Sabre happy. Once they reached the cave, Alex pulled Sabre into a hug and asked him if he was okay which the human replied with a yes. Alex then turned to Guardian and gave him a suspicious look, thankfully Sabre noticed and told his friend that he and Guardian are on good terms once again. The redhead was a bit skeptical, but nodded.

Sabre then told the two he was going to sleep, the events of earlier up to now drained him quite a bit. Alex and Guardian watch as Sabre walk over to his makeshift bed where he fell asleep instantly before they started to talk.

"Did you do anything to him?" Alex asked after she here the human's soft snores.

"No, well yes, but nothing to hurt him, at least I don't think so" Guardian said indecisive, when he sees Alex's confusion, he cleared his throat, "I comfort him as he was breaking down, I never knew he felt the way he did. I apologized to him, but it felt as though an apology was nothing to him. That's when I-"


"When I confessed that I like him" Guardian said nervously.

"You like him and yet you said all of those hurtful things to him" Alex glared.

"Yes. I was angry, not just at Sabre, but for a lot of things. Taking it out on Sabre was not right and I should have known better. I should have known especially knowing full and well what he went through since he came here"

Alex's face soften as curiosity filled her, "What did Sabre go through?"                            

Guardian told Alex what he knew and when he was finished, the red head almost cried.

"That's not even the worst part, when I asked him what he wanted, he said that he could never have it. I want him to be happy or at least make him think about himself for once and not this world" Guardian said.

"Maybe take him out and get him to forget everything" Alex suggested.

"You're right but where?"

"I have an idea"

Both Alex and Guardian jumped when they heard Time's voice from behind them.

"T-Time! You scared us" Alex huffed.

"Sorry, but I overheard your conversation and I want to help." Time explained, "There's a hill that Sabre enjoyed going to at night when he was dealing with my brother and I. He said going up there cleared his head and he feels at peace. I know he hasn't gotten a chance to go back since he's been dealing with everyone else's problems"

Time slightly glared at the two, especially Guardian. There were perks of being the master of time as he can see into people's past as long as there wasn't something stopping him. Alex and Guardian look down in guilt before asking Time what his plan is.


(The next night)

Currently, Guardian was dragging Sabre to the cliff that Time had showed and told him yesterday night. Guardian spent the whole day with Sabre while Alex and Time set something for their date. 

"At least tell me where we're going" Sabre said.  

Since Sabre hasn't been to this location in so long, he doesn't remember that this was one of his favorite spots.

"Sorry Sabre, but this is a surprise for you"

"Why are we walking during the night?"

"Because the surprise has to be at night" Guardian answered as they arrived at their destination, that was when Sabre remembered this place.

Looking at Guardian, Sabre let go of his hand and slowly walk to the sight before him. There was a blanket set out with a picnic basket on top of it. Above was a clear view of the stars that shined brightly in the dark. 

"I wanted to do something to make you happy. Since I haven't gotten to know you, I asked Time and Alex for help. Time said that you like coming here at night and Alex suggested to do a picnic so we just combined the two. Do you like it?" Guardian asked. 

When Sabre didn't say or did anything, Guardian walk to him only to stop when he seen Sabre moving his hands to his bandanna. Guardian was about to speak, but became silent seeing the brunette untied his bandanna and let it fall to the ground.


"You asked me if I can have anything in the world, what would it be" Sabre turned around and looked at Guardian.

Guardian found the sight of Sabre breath taking: his hair was moving from the slight breeze, the stars and moon provied enough light that made him practically glow, his soft grey eyes shined very bright that went along with the smile on his face. That smile seemed different from the ones Guardian had seen since he met the brunette. Everything about Sabre right now, Guardian couldn't describe him with just one word.

Sabre walk over to Guardian and stopped once he was inches away.

"What I want that I never thought I ever have was for someone to make me feel wanted once again, not needed" Sabre hugged Guardian who hugged him back, "Thank you Guardian, for everything"

"Anything to see that smile"


Word count: 1027

Requests remaining: 20

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