(1) VoidSabre

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Void Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by GamingKitten847


Void stood over Rainbow and Sabre, he gained all of his power plus some and now he'll get his revenge.

"You two are so weak" Void chuckle. He like seeing them squirm, especially Sabre. The human's reaction made him feel dominate and very powerful.

"W-What are going to do with us?" Rainbow shook.

"I'll deal with you later Rainbow" Void floated down just above Sabre, "As for you, you're coming with me Sabre"

The last thing Sabre saw was Rainbow reaching out for him before him and Void teleport away.

(I just notice 'was' and 'saw' are spelt backwards)

Sabre landed on the ground after being teleport away from Rainbow who was just confused like he was. A hand appeared in front of Sabre who look up to see it was Void with a soft gaze. Sabre, with little hesitation, took the hand and was pulled up on his feet. Though Void didn't count how light Sabre was and pulled him into his chest.

"Opps" Void chuckled. 

Instead of pulling away, Sabre giggled and look up into Void's soft gaze, "Does this remind you of anything?"

Void smiled and pulled both his and Sabre's hood off, "Of course"

Void wrap his hands around Sabre's hips as Sabre hanged his arms loosely around Void's next.

"This was how I got you to fall for me" Void smiled softly, "You were on a walk then I appeared right in front of you making you jump and almost fell down"

The two started to dance to a slow song playing from a juice box.

"Surprisuly, you forgot that we would end up in this position when you helped me up" Sabre snort.

Void spun Sabre, "Well, how did you know I was planing that"

Sabre rolled his eyes, well not that Void can see, "You're a cheesy Steve you know that"

"You told me that many times lovely" Void reached up to Sabre's bandanna and hovered his hand there as though he was waiting for Sabre to give him the okay. When Sabre nodded, Void took it off with one hand to reveal bright grey eyes. Void then dip Sabre.

"You're eyes are truly wonderful love" Void connected his lips with Sabre who happily complied. After some time, Void pulled them back up, but not once did they broke the kiss until Void noticed Sabre's movements started to slow. While Sabre was catching his breath, Void picked him up and automatically Sabre's legs went around Void. The Steve walk over to the bed in the room and sat Sabre on the edge with him towering over him.

"I love it when you submit to me" Void whispered then unzip Sabre's onsie making so his shoulders were exposed.

"You love being so dominate" Sabre rolled his eyes, sometime Void's ego gets the best of him.

Void frowned a bit before a sly smirk appeared on his face; he leaned in and lick Sabre's jawline, to his throat and gazed his teeth on his shoulder. Meanwhile, Sabre gasped and put his hands on Void's shoulders digging his nails into his clothing.

"I love being dominate because I know I have you" Void nibbled on Sabre's shoulder, "If I have power over you then I'll never lose you"

"Didn't know you liked me so much" Sabre laughed. Void stopped his actions then pulled away from Sabre who gave him a confused expression.

"Void? What's whoa!" 

Void picked up Sabre who wrapped his legs around the Steve's body once again. Void then laid both of them in the middle of the bed where he caged Sabre using his arms and legs.

"I don't like you Sabre, I thought I made it clear the first time" Void pulled Sabre's hair getting him to whimper, "Maybe I wasn't clear enough"

Void didn't waste any time as he started to find that spot on Sabre's neck.

"V-Void w-what are you d-doing?" Sabre gasped.

"Found it" Void bit down on that spot hard enough to draw blood and create a large and dark bruise.

"V-Void" Sabre panted.

"Am I clear now Sabre?"  


Void dug his nails into Sabre's hips, "Yes what?"

"Yes Void!"

Void peck Sabre's lips, "I love you so much Sabre"


Word Count: 717

Requests remaining: 0

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