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Memory Steve x FavremySabre

For some reason this was hard for me to write.

Requested by GalaxyChan6


Sabre and Rainbow were in their makeshift house to hide from Memory who has been taking their memories every time they see him leaving them scared and confused. Sabre decided to leave the house to see if it was safe and left though it was nothing when he looked outside imedientally something did  not seem right.

"Why does it seem different?" Sabre mumbled to himself as he wondered around the area.

It didn't take long for Sabre to become extremely creeped out by everything. Out of the corner of his eye, Sabre saw a colorful figure running.

"Rainbow!?" Sabre ran after his friend to find that he was no long seen.

"What is happening?"

"Sabre?" The said human turned to see Rainbow standing not to far from him, but something seemed off about him.

When Rainbow talk, it sounded monotone and that look on his face sent warning signals to Sabre who slowly backed away not trusting that the Steve in front of him is his friend.

"Sabre? Why are you backing away?" 'Rainbow' said as he walk towards Sabre who picked up his pace.

Eventually Sabre turned to run, but when he turned he bumped into something hard. Arms wrapped around Sabre and pulled him closer. Sabre look up and froze. 

"I have to thank you 'Rainbow'" Memory chuckled then look down at the frozen human, "Hello Sabre" 

"M-Memory" Sabre said shakenly, trying not to blink or look away.

Memory smirk knowing what the human was doing, "You don't have worry Sabre, I won't be erasing your memories anytime soon" 

The Steve ran his hand through Sabre's hair getting a shiver out of him.

"You're dismissed" Memory told the Rainbow look alike not looking at him.

"Now, what should I do to you?" Memory hummed enjoying the terrified expression Sabre's face, "Should I erase your memories and play with you a bit or erase all of them and make you into a mindless puppet. So many options"

Sabre finally came back and tried to get out of Memory's hold, but he stopped when he heard Memory laugh. He look up to see Memory smiling down at him, but it did not seem to have any evil intentions.

"I'm sorry" Memory laughed letting go of Sabre who look at him as though he grew a second head.

"Um...Are you okay?" Sabre asked somewhat worried.

"I-I'm fine, it was just your face it was so funny" Memory laughed.

When Memory stopped he said, "I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away in pranking"

"What?!" Sabre shouted.

"Maybe I should explain. I wasn't trying to harm nether you or your friend, I was trying to have some fun"

"Then why did you erase our memories" Sabre crossed his arms in anger.

Memory look down, "I was afraid and I can't completely control my powers so they go along with my emotions. Over some time I didn't fear you two"

"Then?" Sabre ask knowing more to this story. If Memory's powers go along with his emotions and he no longer felt any strong emotions, then why does he continue to erase their memories.

"Well, I um. The reason I kept on erasing your is because I...." Memory trailed off mumbling to himself.


"I-I foundyoucuteandIgotnervoustotalktoyouandmyemotions gotalloutofwakandtheonlyplacewhereIcancontrolmypowersishere. (I found you cute and I got nervous to talk to you and my emotions got all out of wak and the only place where I can control my powers is here.)" Memory said really quickly with a bright blush.

"Uhhhh" There was nothing Sabre could say because he barely understood a word he said.

Memory signed, "When, when I no longer felt nervous, I walk up to you, but when I got a closer look at you I couldn't help but feel nervous because I thought you were cute."

"Oh, Oh!" Sabre realized what Memory meant and blushed red. 

"Yeah, this is the only place I can actually control my powers so I can talk to you without the whole memory erasing thing" Memory let out a small laugh, "But I am sorry for all of this Sabre"

Sabre smiled and put his hand on Memory's arm getting him to look at him, "It's okay, just next time explain that using a book or sign"

Memory laughed and nodded, "I will. You should go back to your friend"

"Yeah I should" Before Sabre left he kissed Memory's cheek getting him flushed extreme red, "See you Memory"

"I-I'm not leaving this world for a while" Memory gasped as he watch as Sabre run off.


Word count: 770

Requests remaining: 2

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