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Faceless x Rainbow Steve

When writing this I notice Hypno and Faceless have the same traits.

Requested by Maggiebutton


Currently Rainbow was walking through the forest after Sabre logged off for the day. With everything happening, he decided he needed to clear his head and try to think of a way to protect their town and defeat their enemies. Though it was kind of hard when he felt himself being watch for the past several minutes. 

Soon enough Rainbow found something interesting: a cave lite up with glow stone. Being the curious Steve he is, Rainbow went in to investigate with a side of caution. After he walk for a bit, he found that it lead to a dead end.

"That's odd" Rainbow mumbled. 

"Rainbow?" The said Steve turn to see Sabre behind him.

"Sabre? What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you after I couldn't find you" Sabre replied, "I was getting worried, I thought something bad had happen to you"

Rainbow gave him an odd look, Sabre left minutes before he went on a walk, but he decided to go with it.

"I'm sorry Sabre, I just wanted to clear my head" Rainbow laughed nervously.

"It's fine, we should get out of here now" Sabre said with a bit of hurry in his voice.

Rainbow decided to see if this was Sabre so when they started to walk out Rainbow ask a question only Sabre knew, "Alright. Oh yeah Sabre, do you when Andrew is coming back?"

Sabre hesitated before answering, "Um, in a few days"


Rainbow stop walking and glared at 'Sabre' who gave gave him a questioned look.

"What's wrong?"

"You're not Sabre. You hesitated and I don't know anyone name Andrew nether does Sabre.

(Andrew was the first name that came into mind and I know Sabre knows an Andrew aka Shark)

'Sabre' gulped before a sinister smile crept on his face, "Looks like you're smarter than you look"


"But that means I don't have to hide" 'Sabre' disappear and in his place was Faceless.

"F-Faceless?!" Rainbow bolted out of the cave, but an arm wrap around his waist and hoisted him off of his feet.

"You're not going anywhere little Steve" Faceless chuckle holding Rainbow tighter.

Rainbow gasped as his nails buried themselves into Faceless out of pain.

"W-What do you want?" Rainbow chocked out. It was getting harder to breath as Faceless tighten his hold.

"Well I'm going to give you a choice" Faceless put his head on Rainbow's shoulder who shutter feeling the other's breath on his neck.

"I can either hurt you to the point you'll be begging for me to destroy you or" Faceless nibble Rainbow's neck getting a gasp from the Steve, "Or you'll submit to me and you'll go with no injuries. Well no fatal ones. So little Steve, which will it be?"

Rainbow did not say anything, but let out a yelp when Faceless bit his clothed shoulder.

"Tick tock Rainbow, if you don't chose I will" 

Knowing there was no way out, Rainbow chose the second options.

"I won't hurt you" Faceless dug his fingers into Rainbow side getting him to scream, "Much"

For the next several minutes, which felt hours to Rainbow, Faceless roamed his hands around Rainbow's body while biting and sucking his neck. Tears feel from Rainbow's eyes as he whimper hoping that Faceless will stop soon.

Soon Rainbow's wish was answer when Faceless released him letting him fall onto the ground.

"Might I saw, that was very pleasant" 

Rainbow look up to see himself standing over him.

'Rainbow' chuckle, "Don't worry Rainbow, you won't remember this at all"

Rainbow felt himself get tired.

"Besides you weren't my main target, but you were something sweet I say" 

Soon black dots cover Rainbow's vision as he fell unconscious, though not before he felt himself being picked up and carried.


Word count: 650

Requests remaining: 1


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