(1) OriginSabre

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Origin Steve x FavremySabre

I must apologize, this did not turn out how I wanted it. I should have finish writing this then watch the latest Steve Saga video. And the original OriginSabre I had went missing from my notebook so rip that one-shot

Requested by GalaxyChan6

Book is out "My Dear Queen"


Origin look down upon Sabre in his black canvas that would be the new world filled with Steves who will treat him as a god. 

"Don't you see Sabre, this is the world in my image. Soon this place will be filled with Steves who will look at me like a god"

Sabre gritted his teeth, "All you crave is power! The Steve won't ever follow! There are those who will stand and fight against you!"

Origin chuckled, "Oh? Is that so? Well who will lead them in such a loosing battle?"

"I will and I won't stop until you're defeated"

Origin floated down so he was standing right in front of Sabre, "And how will you do that when..."

"When what?"

Origin snaked an arm around Sabre's waist and pulled him close to his chest. Sabre's hands were the only space in between them.

"How will you do that when you're ruling right next to me?"

Sabre eyes widen and tried to push away from the Steve, "Wh-what do you mean by that? I'm never joining you're side!" 

Origin's hand ran through Sabre's light brown hair, "Oh little Sabre, you are going to rule beside me no matter what. After all a king must have a queen, don't you agree?"

"No!" Sabre manage to yank away from Origin's hold and started run far from the Steve, but he was in Origin's world (well head).

When Sabre thought he was far enough from Origin, he stopped to take a breather. He tried to think of a way out, but Origin's words kept on repeating throughout his head and Sabre didn't understand what Origin wanted.

"What doer he even want?" Sabre didn't think for long when he was pulled into a hard chest with an arm trapping his arms.

"You haven't figure is out yet Sabre?" Origin put his head on Sabre's shoulder, "Maybe I should go for more of a direct approach"

Sabre was spun around to face Origin and not even a moment later Sabre felt a pair of lips on his. 

"Mph!" Sabre struggle in the kiss, but Origin had a good grip on him.

"You're not going anywhere" Origin tilted Sabre's head then started to bite and suck every inch of Sabre's neck.

"L-let m-me go" Sabre panted.

"I don't think so you're going to be by my side no matter what" Origin growled in Sabre's neck.

"No I won't!" Sabre screamed.

Origin smirk then peck Sabre's lips once more, "Soon you'll have no one and the only one who will be there for you will be me. That is when you'll accept the fact you'll be by my side, forever"

The Steve's smirk turned into a frown, "I'll have to convince you later, for now I must my leave. Goodbye for now Sabre"

Lightning surrounded them and Sabre's vision turned black.


Word count: 500

Requests remaining: 1

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