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Boss Steve x Rainbow Steve

I don't know why but the first thing that came in mind when looking at the title was the movie 'Boss Baby' for some reason.

Requested by Maggiebutton


Rainbow kicked the ground out of anger, he was at Boss' base or what's left of it after he destroyed weeks ago. He hasn't heard anything about Boss making a comeback to get his revenge on him. Shark told him that he couldn't find the Steve, but Rainbow didn't believe him and went to look for him instead. Unfortunately after two weeks, Rainbow started to give up hope in ever finding Boss. Yeah he should be happy about him defeating his enemy, but Rainbow couldn't find in him to be so. Without Boss it was boring, without him Rainbow felt alone. Every Steve and human did not think kindly to him, even if they didn't the others would keep them away.

Rainbow soon found himself in Boss' house. Never had he thought of going here of all places, but this was his last time ever coming here. The house was a nice size and seemed very decorative, but without Boss to tend to it, the house felt cold and empty. Rainbow found Boss' room soon enough and went in with some hesitation. Unlike the house, Boss' room seemed full of life with the sun shining through the window lighting up the room.

As Rainbow look around the room, one thing caught his attention were two items on the nightstand: a picture of him and Boss when they were kids and half of a heart next to it with half words on it.

"H-He kept this" Rainbow felt tears falling from his eyes as he picked up the necklace, "After all of these years, he kept it"

Rainbow then felt arms wrap around him and pulled him into a familiar chest.

"It's okay Rain" Boss whispered rubbing the smaller one's back to sooth him.

"B-Boss?" Rainbow cried.

"I'm here, everything is fine" Boss kissed Rainbow's head who hugged him back tightly and cried.

"I-I thought y-you w-were-"

"I was else where for a while, I'm sorry I made you wait"

"I-I'm sorry" Rainbow whimper, "This was all my fault"

"No Rain, it's -"

"Don't tell me other wise Boss. It's my fault, it's all my fault!" Rainbow's voice got louder. He push himself away from Boss, but he could only put a few inches away between as Boss still had his arms around the colorful Steve.

"Rain" Boss signed.

 "I shouldn't even be here" Rainbow went to walk away, but Boss had other ideas.

Boss grabbed Rainbow and threw him on the bed with him climbing on top of Rainbow within seconds.

"B-Boss what are you-" 

"Be quiet" Boss said sternly. The tone of his voice made Rainbow instantly shut up.

Boss grabbed both of Rainbow's wrists with one hand and put them above the Steve's head he then used a finger to find something on Rainbow's neck which he did moments later. There was golden chain that connected to a pendent with half words. 

"This" Boss held the pendent so Rainbow could see, "was the promise we made"

"B-Boss" Rainbow opened his hand to show the other half of the pendent.

Boss let go of Rainbow's wrists after he grabbed the pendent from his hands and put the two together.

"What does it read" Boss said holding the complete pendent so Rainbow could read it.

"But Boss"

"Read it!" Boss growled.

"Together 4 ever" Rainbow whispered.


"Together 4 ever" Rainbow said louder, "I'm sorry Boss, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking and I thought you would hate me after I did what I did." 

"Rain, I can't ever hate you." Boss got off of Rainbow who scooted over for the Steve to lay down, "I can't even be mad at you"

Rainbow curled himself into Boss who pulled him close.

"I'm sorry I was go for so long" Boss said. He could have come back sooner and avoid seeing Rainbow in this state, though it was his plan in the first place to do so.

"I don't care, you're here now and that's all that matters" Rainbow said looking up at Boss with a smile.

"This is why I fell for you Rain" Boss smiled and kissed Rainbow who happily kissed back.

Rainbow wrapped his arms around Boss' neck while Boss wrapped his arms around Rainbow's arched back pulling him closer. The went as long as they could without air until they pulled away.

"As much as I want to continue and have you right now, there are things to be done tomorrow" Boss said.

"Yeah, I have to go back home to do somethings" Rainbow said thinking of the stuff he has to do at home.

"Who said you were leaving?"  Boss lick his lip.

Rainbow's face flushed, but before he said anything Boss put his head in his shoulder.

"Night and remember we have all day so don't expect me to go easy on you or you walking anytime soon" Boss whispered in Rainbow's ear before letting out a chuckle.

"Boss" Rainbow groaned lifting his head up off of Boss' shoulder.

"You know I love you" 

"You know I do"

"Say it"

"Love you Boss"

"Together for ever"

"And ever"


Word count: 890

Requests remaining: 1

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