RedNeg Part 3

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Requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX

This is where Negative and Red are in the hospital after being beaten up in Posmare Part 3.


Red woke up hearing beeping and someone talking to him, but he could barely make out the words that the person was saying.

"Red.... wake.... please.... can't.... Red"

That voice sounded so familiar to Red, but he couldn't pin point who it was.

"Please.... up.... Red"

The voice sounded so sad, Red just wanted to comfort whoever owned that voice. He sounds so sad.

"Please Red Bear"

That nickname, there is only one person who calls me that.

"Wake up"


"Red Bear"



Negative could not look away from Red's lifeless body. It has been three weeks since Positive, Negative and Red were horrorably beaten by three Steves who are now being punished for their crimes. Positive made it out with bruises and a crack arm; Negative had two cracked rids, cuts, a broken wrist, and bruises; and Red had the worst of them he had a combination of the two plus some internal bleeding. Positive and Negative were fully healed because of who they are, but because Red was a regular Steve and barely has any powers, it was taking a long time to heal.

Negative hasn't left Red's side after being discharged himself two days after the incident and hasn't taken care of himself since then. Positive and Nightmare brought him food, water, clothes and checked on him two or three times a day. Red's mom came in when she could thoug because of work she could come as mch as she wanted to see her son, but she trusted Negative to take care of him.

"Please Red Bear, wake up. It's been two weeks since I saw those beautiful ruby eyes you have or heard that contagious laugh have or... or" Negative started to tear up once again. All he wanted was for his Red Bear to wake and smile again.


Neg, he's crying. I don't want him to be sad, I want him to be happy. I want to wake, I want to see him, I want to see Negative!


Negative had cried himself to sleep so he did not see bright red eyes opening looking straight at him.

"Wake up love, you said you'll be awake when I wake. So love, open your eyes so I can see those yellow orbs once again"

The mixed Steve woke up from a strange dream, but thought nothing of it when he saw those red eyes he adored so much.

"R-Red" Negative said in a horsey voice. His voice was dry from dehydration and crying for several days.

"You're awake *cough* you're awake" Negaitve smiled running his hand through Red's hair.

"Neg, what's wrong" Red asked very worried about his boyfriend, "And why are we in the hospital?"

"D-Do you remember what happened?" Negative asked after drinking some water then helped Red drink some water.

"I remeber yelling and, and" Red's eyes widen, "Are you okay?! What about Positive? Are you-"

"Red, Positive and I are fine, we are fast healers, but you, you were" Negative started to tear up.

Red wiped the tears from Negative's eyes.

"The doctors said that you were in a coma and believe you wouldn't make it" Negative started to shake, the conversation that he had with the doctor gave him nightmares.

Unknowingly to Negaitve, he was having a panic attack and Red tried to snap him out of him, but his efforts were in vain. Luckily Positive came in a few seconds after Negative started his panic attack. Though he was extermely glad that Red was awake, Positive quickly tended to his brother.

"Negative look at me" Positive got Negaitve to look him in the eye, "You have breath, just follow me. Inhale 1, 2, 3. Exhale 1, 2, 3."

Positive did this several time with Negaitve until he finally calmed down and fell asleep in Positive's hold.

  Positive signed then look at Red who was relieved that Negative was calm, "It's good to see you awake."

"Yeah" Red said. He couldn't turn his attention away from Negaitve who seemed more tired than he did when he was awake.

"Red" Positive said firmly getting the other's attention.

"What happened?"

Positive explained everything: the trip to the hospital; Red going into a coma; Negative being by his side. By the time he was done talking, Red had tears going down his face. That explained why Negative looked so vulnerable right now instead of his strong self and why he doesn't look so good.

"Hey Red, can you scoot over?" Positive asked.

"Uh, why?" Red ask scooting over.

Positive didn't answer as he picked up Negative and put him on Red's bed knowing that both will be happy to be close to each other. Positive then cover the two with a blanket and walk to the door.

"Thank you Positive" Red said as Negative curled himself in Red's chest and Red wrap his arms around Negative's back.

"Anytime, for now, look after my brohter"

"I'm not going anywhere without him" Red before drifting off to sleep.

Positive smiled at the two on the bed then quietly exit the room and closed the door, he trusts Red to take care of his brother. 


Word count: 888

Requests remaining: 4

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