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Nightmare Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by JanaFedon


Nightmare grinned at the destruction he's causing in the place called the Rainbow Town. He loves the helpless looks on the faces the two humans and the colorful Steve, but that was all gone because of one human: Sabre. That one human fought against him and is causing others to follow. As much as he despises the human, he couldn't help but feel happy for a challenge. 

Nightmare spawn lava on the colorful trees, destroying them as he let out evil chuckles. 

"Do you surrender Rainbow?" Nightmare ask the scared Steve who was this town's only hope.

"I-I" Rainbow stumbled on his words.

Before Nightmare could do anymore, he heard a familiar voice and felt an arrow hit his shoulder which didn't but it did distract him.

Sabre grab Rainbow and made a run to the safe place where Lucas and Light were after Sabre told them to go there. The doors open though not before a fire ball was fired next to them.

"You won't get away that easily Sabre!" Nightmare yelled and fired another fireball at them.

Sabre pushed Rainbow in front of him so he would go into the hidden area, unfortunately Sabre was hit and knock unconscious.

"Sabre!" Rainbow yelled. He was going to help his friend when a fireball landed in front of him, when the smoke cleared Nightmare was holding Sabre bridal style.

"Let him go!" Lucas yelled pulling out a bow and arrow.

"I think not human, this one is going to be my prize. Don't worry I'll be back" Nightmare chuckle and teleport away with Sabre.


Sabre woke up in a room dimly lighted by glow stone. He felt something heavy on his wrists and saw chains on them, when he pulled on them he found that they were attach to a bed post, not only that, but his shirt was gone. Not remembering that he was hit by a fireball, Sabre whimpered feeling a burning sensation from his back. He didn't even notice the door opening or closing to the room.

"So you're awake"

Sabre snap his head to see Nightmare looking at him with red eyes with an evil glint in them.

"N-Nightmare!? Where? What?"

"Calm down Sabre, you're fine... for now" Nightmare walk over to Sabre who tired to put on a brave face.

"What, what do you want?" 

Nightmare grinned and petted Sabre's soft brown hair, "What do I want? I don't know, maybe an idea will come to mind soon"

Sabre tried to pull away, but Nightmare held the chain and used it to pulled Sabre closer to him. The Steve took Sabre's chin and made him look at him.

"Maybe you can help with that.  Can you please Sabre?" Nightmare said in a fake begging voice.

Sabre shook head and tried to move away; however he forgot about his injury and started to whimper.

"How about this Sabre: I'll help you and you can help me" 

Sabre didn't want to know what Nightmare wanted help with, but the pain was unbearable. Hesitantly Sabre nodded and Nightmare -gently- pulled him on his lap with Sabre's back in front of him. Soon Sabre felt a cooling sensation that made him moan out of relief.

Sabre felt Nightmare breathing on his neck, but he was focus on the cooling sensation.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Nightmare ask moving one of his hands else where on Sabre's body making him groan in response. The Steve grinned seeing how Sabre was responding and started to take advantage of this situation.

First he lick up Sabre's back making him tense and arch his back. Then Nightmare nibbled on his neck trying to find a sweet melody.

"N-Nightmare, w-what are you ahh" Sabre let put the sound Nightmare was looking for and bit down on that spot.

Sabre moaned and tried to reach Nightmare, but the Steve wrap an arm around him trapping both of Sabre's arms.

Once Nightmare was done making the mark, he whispered into Sabre's ear, "Remember, I help you and now I get what I want"

To make his point clear to the human, Nightmare turn Sabre around and kissed him. Since Sabre let out a gasp from the sudden action, Nightmare easily slip his tongue into Sabre's mouth.

"You are a sweet prize" Nightmare said as he lick his lips, "Sweet indeed"

Sabre look at him with tired eyes and leaned into Nightmare's chest. Nightmare stroke Sabre's hair getting him to fall asleep.

"Night Sabre"


Word count: 760

Requests remaining: 1     

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