Dark09 Part 3

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Requested by Sworflame12


Shark's eyes flutter open after feeling the rays of sun light hit his face indicating that morning had arrived. When the human went to get up, he found himself unable to as he notices a pair of arms wrap around him. Shark turn his head just enough to see who it was and when he saw who it was he let out a scream causing the other to jolt awake and accidently pushed Shark off the bed onto the floor.

Dark look around his room after hearing a scream ready to fight, but when he saw Shark on the floor he relaxed. Shark let out a groan in pain and look up at Dark when he heard snickering.

"You good down there Shark?" Dark chuckled.

Shark just rolled his eyes and got up, but quickly stopped feeling a jolt of pain from his arm. Dark noticed that Shark was bleeding quite a bit and got up to help.

"Let me see" Dark said. Gently he took a hold of Shark's arm and saw a medium size scratch.

Conjuring up bandages and disinfectant, Dark started to patch up Shark up as the human look around to find what cut him so badly. 

"This is going to sting" Dark warned Shark showing him the disinfectant.

Shark mentally prepare himself, but that did not stop him from biting his lip and whimper in pain. After Dark wrap Shark's arm, he pulled the human into his lap and petted his hair.

"It's done Shark"

"I know, I know" Shark breathed, "What even cut me?"

"It wasn't anything here, I know that"

Shark gave the Steve a questioning look, "How do you know?"

"The only thing that you could have landed on to hurt yourself was the nightstand, which you did causing that injury of yours to open up. From the looks of it, you got it a few days ago and it was poorly treated" Dark concluded.

"When did you become a doctor?"

"Why is your name Shark when you're a human?"

Shark let out a sign and look at his arm, "Um, thanks for patching me up"   

"No problem Shar" Dark kissed the top of the human's head and held him close.

"Hey Dark" Shark said after some time.

Dark hummed in response as he continued to play with Shark's hair.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To be honest, I didn't want you to leave." Dark said in all honesty, "I developed a liking to you Shark and I don't feel like letting you go anytime soon"

"Well, you will have to sometime" Shark chuckled.

"I'm taking it little by little" Dark mumbled. 

He felt Shark shaking a bit.

"You're cold?"

Shark shook his head, but Dark already knew the honest answer and pulled the blanket from his bed and wrapped it around the both of them.


"Better" Shark smiled and curled himself even more to keep the warmth.

Dark smiled and just held the human as they both soon dirfted off to sleep. 


Word count: 509

Requests remianing: 4

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