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Rainbow Steve x 09Sharkboy

Well my best friend got me into aphmau so I've binge watching Mystreet and other stuff for the past 2-3 days now. Sorry for the delay.

Requested by Killfun2005


Shark was sitting in his and his boyfriend's house deciding what move to watch that night: Shark wanted to watch a Disney movie while Rainbow wanted to watch a scary one (I'm watching one right now). 

"Come on Bow, please" Shark pleaded not wanting to watch a scary move. He hates scary movies and doesn't want Rainbow to know.

Rainbow rolled his eyes, "Shar, we've watched movies you like for the past week. Let's watch something I like"

Shark bit his lip, but when Rainbow did his puppy eyes, he couldn't say no.

"A-Alright" Shark said nervously, curse his boyfriend's puppy eyes.

Rainbow smirk and kissed Shark's check getting his to blush red, "Thank you Sharky~"

"I-I'll get the p-popcorn." Shark got up and went into the kitchen.

Rainbow smirk, he knows Shark hates scary movies and he wants to use that to his advantage to get his little Sharky to cuddle with him. It might seem a bit cruel, but he wants to tease him a bit and cuddle. 

Looking through the movies that they have, Rainbow picked out 'Hallow' (just because I'm watching it now) turn off the lights, and sat on the couch just as Shark appeared with a big bowl of popcorn.

"So what are we watching?" Shark asked timidly.

"Hollow" Rainbow smiled and put an arm around Shark pulling him close to his side as Shark rested his head on Rainbow's shoulder.

It didn't take long before a jump scare happened and Rainbow felt Shark tense up.

"You good Shar?" Rainbow smirk, but since it was dark Shark couldn't see.

"I-I'm fi-ahhh" Shark screamed and hid his face into Rainbow's side.

"It's okay Shar, its just a movie" Rainbow tried to comfort his boyfriend.

Shark nodded and turned his focus back onto the movie trying to watch it without being obvious he was scared.

About mid ways, Shark was now on Rainbow's lap whimpering and shaking out of fear. He couldn't do it, now Rainbow will think of him as a coward. Rainbow felt something wet on his shirt and realized that it was Shark crying. 

"Shar, what's wrong?" Rainbow ask pulling Shark closer to him and pet his hair to calm him down.

"Y-You m-must thing I-I'm a s-scaredy o-ocolot (scaredy cat) " Shark whimpered.

Now Rainbow feels bad, "I'm sorry Shark, I shouldn't have made you watch this, I know you're not the biggest fan and I used that to my advantage"

Shark sniffled, "Y-You knew?"

"Yes I did, I noticed it before. I just wanted to tease you, I guess it went too far" Rainbow signed, "I'm sorry Shar"

Rainbow kissed Shark's head.

"It's okay" Shark said, "Do you still want to watch the movie?"

"Do you?" Rainbow ask worried.

"I-If you want to. I mean you were right, we did watch movies I like"

An idea came to Rainbow's mind as a smirk appeared on his face, he leaned to Shark's ear and whispered, "How about a little distraction?"

"Distraction? What do you mean by ahhh Rainbow" Shark moan when Rainbow nibbled on his ear.

"Aren't you going to watch the movie?" Rainbow ask as his started to nibble on Shark's neck before pulling away and went back to watching the movie.

"Y-You big tease!" Shark hit Rainbow's chest, though even with his full force Shark could hardly make the Steve flinch.

Rainbow chuckle then peck Shark on his lips and held him close, "Only for you Sharky, only for you"


Word count: 600

Requests remaining: 0

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