What if...

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When Sabre did the episode where he entered the spirit world and found Rainbow with four other Steves, well I put down a comment about a theory I had and decided to do this.


Sabre was listening to the Steves telling stories when he heard a voice in his head talk to him. The voice sounded like him, but it sounded lighter and filled with sorrow. Sabre had stopped walking and listen to the voice trying to figure out who it was or why is it talking to him. None of the Steves notice that the human was no longer walking with them until Purple look back and saw Sabre standing staring off in space.

Purple walk back over to Sabre getting the attention of everyone else who then noticed Sabre's odd behavior. Everyone followed Purple who was already standing in front of Sabre trying to get his attention.

"Hello, Sabre are you in there?" Purple ask waving his hand in front of Sabre's face.

"Is he alright?" Blake ask (the Blue Steve).

"I don't know, he's no responding" Purple signed.

Rainbow put a hand on Sabre's shoulder getting a reaction from him after being in a frozen state.

"What?" Sabre ask. He did not relies he's been spacing off for almost ten minutes causing all of the Steves to worry.

"You haven't responded to any of us when we talk to you" Yellow explained.

"Are you alright?" Green ask.

"I'm fine. Why are all of you so-" Sabre stop mid-sentence and froze once more scaring all of the Steves.

"Sabre!" Rainbow cried out shaking his friend to wake him up.

"R-Rainbow" Sabre whispered, "Is that really you?"

Everyone instantly notice that Sabre's voice was different, except for Rainbow who was worried to no ends of the earth.

"Yes it's me, are you alright Sabre?" 

'Sabre' tilted his head in confusion, "Who's  Sabre? Where are we? And why is it so dark?"

The Steves shared worried expressions with one another.

"Sabre, tell me what's wrong?" Rainbow ask yet again.

"Why do you keep on-" Once again 'Sabre' stopped mid-sentence and froze.

Thankfully no one had to do anything before the human started to giggle which sounded so familiar Rainbow. 'Sabre' started to talk, but his words were not directed to any of the Steve.

"Oh so that's what is happening. I'm sorry I just really wanted to talk to Rainbow so bad. Next time I'll be a bit more patience" 

A pause

"Hey I just woke and you expect me not to want to talk to him after all these years" 'Sabre' pouted.

A pause

A guilty expression took over 'Sabre's' face, "Oh I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry."

A pause

"Yeah, I guess that's why"

A pause

"Okay thank you so much Sabre"

When 'Sabre' turn back to the Steve, he saw all of there confused faces.

"I'm deeply apologize for scaring all of you. Sabre just explained somethings to me"

"But you're Sabre" Purple said.

"Actually, I'm Blue"

"What!" Everyone yelled. Rainbow had told everyone about his journey with Blue all theses years ago and his sacrifice.

"Y-You're not Blue" Rainbow said in disbelief, "You can't be, you're Sabre. Blue, Blue died and he should be here right now talking to me instead of through my friend"

"How can prove it?"

As of now the four other Steves had left Rainbow and Sabre/Blue alone for them to talk.

"What, what did we use to show that we were really and not Dark disguise as one of us?" 

"A sapling, luckily it was me who Dark turned into instead of you because you left the sapling at the house" Blue smiled.

"Blue!" Rainbow cried and hugged him tightly, "How, what, I-"

"Shh, I'll explain okay"


"When I first came here, I was given a choice: ether to stay or be reincarnated and live once again. I was given that choice because they knew you would come back and you would need someone to help guide you and be your friend. I waited for so long to be reincarnated so I could see you, but there were side effects. My reincarnated self would have none of my memories, only my personality to help you feel comfortable as though you already met someone who had the same personality. They made me human because they thought it would be wiser and because I no longer had my powers since you absorbed them."

"Who are them?"

"I don't really know. There were two people: one was wearing a cloak (the guy who Sabre first met in the spirit world) and a girl in purple and black"

"So their the reason you're back" A thought came to Rainbow's mind, "Why didn't you shown yourself earlier?"

"That was the deal, until you remember, I would be hidden in the back of Sabre's mind. Who by the way is very sweet, I'm so glad you two became friends"

"Me too" Rainbow smiled, "Is there anyway you can stay like this?"

Rainbow really wanted Blue to stay, after he lost him all those years ago then finally remembering him, Rainbow wants nothing more than to have Blue next to him here. Unfortunatly, Blue shook his head.

"Rainbow, our time is up. Yes I was reincarnated to help you, but also to give life to someone else. Sabre still has a life to live, a journey to continue and I don't want to take that away from him" Blue hugged Rainbow, both had tears in their eyes, "I want to be here with you, but I made a choice and I can't just take away Sabre's life just to be here. Please understand Rainbow, Sabre is someone who needs to live"

Rainbow never thought about it that way, he was just being selfish thinking that Blue could stay and not thinking about Sabre in this situation. Blue was thinking about both Rainbow and his reincarnated self and knew the consequences when making his decision.

"That was very selfish of me to ask" Rainbow said.

"Hey, it's alright. Sabre says that as well."


"Yeah, he can see and hear everything even though I'm in control. He understands why you asked that question and he was think of a way to allow me to stay while he lives. However, there isn't any way because we need each other"

Blue could feel Sabre thinking about different ways, but even then he knew the consequences.

"I'm just happy I got to see you again" Blue said as tears stream down his face.

"Me too"

The two friends hugged once again and for the last time as Blue's time of control was running close to the end. Though Blue did not say anything as the two spent as much time as they could together before Blue was forced away and Sabre was forced back into control.

'I'll always be there for you, I'll make sure you're safe until my time has come. Even then I will continue to look after you'


Word count: 1130

Requests remaining: 1 

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