VoidBow Part 2

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Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Eight years had passed since Rev and Rainbow last seen the siren Void. Only now Rev must keep his little brother from leaving the house for the next few months. Easier said than done apparently. Each night, Rev found Rainbow in a hypnotic state, the furthest the older found Rainbow was just before the forest. As for Rainbow, he had no clue what happens to him or why his brother looks so tired every night.

As for Void, he was planning something to get his kitten soon. During the eight years, he had spied on the young neko by his own way and made a room just for him. Though he wants Rainbow right at that moment, the siren keep himself in check and told himself that the little kitten will be his soon enough.

And that day came it did.

It was an average day for the brothers: Rev passed out on the couch and Rainbow making food for the both.

"Rev, dinner is ready" Rainbow told his brother.

The older did not move, only groaned. Now being the playful little kitten, he is, Rainbow pounced on Rev though the other barely felt it since Rainbow was really light. The red head then started to playfully tug on Rev's blue ears.

"Bow, stop"

"But dinner is ready" Rainbow whined, nudging Rev with his head, "Besides, today is the last night then we'll be free"

That got Rev's attention, it is the last day of his deal with Void, after today, they no longer must worry about the siren taking Rainbow for his own. Sitting up with Rainbow in his arms, Rev brought them to the kitchen to eat dinner. Rainbow giggled at his brother's burst of energy and was extremely happy that he would no longer be bond with the siren.


Later that night

"Alright Rainbow" Rev started as he finished putting bells on Rainbow's door, "These should wake me, if not we got a bunch of them around the house"

Rainbow look around the area they were in, his tail swaying nervously around, "What if he tries something? What if he was waiting for tonight to take me?"

Seeing his brother in distress, Rev got up and put Rainbow into a comforting hug, "Don't worry, I'll be here for you no matter what. Now let's get this night over with"

For some reason, Rev's words did not ease Rainbow's nervousness at all, in fact, they increased if anything. Though the red head swallowed his fear and hoped that this night goes quick with him still at home and not with the siren.

A few hours into the night was when Rainbow was woken up by the siren's song, but this time, he couldn't fight the control like usual. The song was different, it was gentler, more soothing than the other. Just Rainbow was going to open the door to find the source the owner spoke to him.

'Not tonight kitten, you won't be waking up that brother of yours. Go to the window and come to me'

Unable to disobey, Rainbow went to his window, open it, and went out.

'That's it my kitten, come, come to me'

Rainbow did as told, not once stopping, he picked up his pace to find the source. It was when he reached the pond he used to come to when he was younger was where when he stopped. He walks the rest of the way until he was knee deep in water, that was when he heard his brother called for him.

"Rainbow! Rainbow come back!" Rev shouted.

"Rev?" Rainbow only turned around when arms wrapped around him, "Rev!"

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