FavremyBlue Part 3

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Blue is a yandere thanks to one of your guy's comments. I want to see how this goes. Yes I'm the one writing this but my thoughts and writing are different. Final part.


Blue smiled the whole time him and Sabre were walking hand and hand. Yes he could tell Sabre was a bit unease, but Blue thought it was because he was shy being the cute human he is.

"Isn't this lovey?" Blue giggled swaying his and Sabre's intertwine hands back and forth.

As much as Sabre wanted to say no, he was worried about the consequences, "Y-Yes?"

"Do you what is even more lovely?" Blue asked stopping and letting go of Sabre's hand.

Sabre shook his head slowly backing away from Blue as he crept towards him. This lasted until Sabre's back hit a tree, trapping him and leaving him in the Steve's mercy. 

"You are" Blue grinned. He leaned in towards Sabre's neck and blew on it getting Sabre to shiver.   

"P-Please B-Blue d-don't" Sabre shook.

"Hearing you say my name makes my want you even more" Blue nibbled Sabre's neck as his hands went to his hips to keep him in place.

Sabre bit his lip hard enough to the point he drawn blood to prevent any sounds from escaping his mouth. However, when Blue nibbled on a place just below his ear, all bets were off. When Sabre let out a small moan, Blue bit and suck on that one place until there was a big, dark bruise, he actually bit so hard that he broke skin causing some blood to leak out that Blue lick up.   

"Now everyone knows that you're mine" Blue chuckled still holding Sabre possessively. He licked the blood from Sabre's lips that was flowing freely.

"W-Why a-are you d-doing this?" Sabre whimpered.

Using one hand, Blue played with Sabre's hair, "Well you separated Red, Green and I from Reverse so in a way we have some of his personality that influence our own. I already had a possessive personality and thanks to Reverse, it increased so much to the point" Blue chuckle, "Well let's just say I don't have many morals left that prevent me from me having and taking what I want. And I want you, Sabre"

Sabre's breathing picked up and tried to escape Blue, but the Steve grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them above Sabre's head.

"You want to leave so soon?" Blue pouted, "We didn't get to the fun part, I guess I have to speed things up, not that I mind"

"No! Leave me al- mph!" Blue covered Sabre's mouth with his hand.

"No, you're no aloud to say anything, but my name. Understand?" Blue squeezed Sabre's wrists getting a nod very quickly, "Perfect"

The hand over Sabre's mouth moved to his clothed chest where Blue found a zipper. Sabre jolted up and begged Blue not to, but his pleads were ignored when the Steve unzipped it until the zipper was above Sabre's stomach.

"You have such smooth skin" Blue said feeling the now exposed skin.

"Please Blue" Sabre begged, "I don't want this"

Blue ignored Sabre again as continue to touch him and attacking his exposed skin leaving bruises in his wake. Soon Sabre couldn't hold it in any more and started to cry out of fear that the Steve would do something horrible to him. However, Blue stopped when he heard Sabre sob and pulled away with a worried expression.  

"Sabre? Are you crying?"


The Steve signed and let go of Sabre's wrist before engulfing him in a hug, "I'm sorry, sometimes I can't stop my self from taking what I want, even by force. I never meant to make you cry, I don't like it when you cry"

Blue tilted Sabre's chin up, making him look up, "I hope you can forgive me"

"I-It's fine, b-but you might want to go s-slow" Sabre laughed nervously.

"I will, but don't think I won't stop chasing you" Blue smirk.


Word Count: 670

Request remaining: 3     

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