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Dark Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Olisteve


It was the very early in the morning (like 3:00 AM) when Sabre went out for a walk since he didn't want to lay in bed any more and fight to fall asleep. Sabre loved this time of year: a little cool with a nice breeze blowing, ruffling his light brown hair. One days like these, Sabre finds himself at peace; not worrying about Nightmare, Dark, Shadow or any Steves that posed a threat to him or his friends.

Sabre leaned over the railing of the bridge and look at his and the sky's reflections, "I love these days"

"They are quite nice are they not" Sabre jump and turn to the source of the voice to see Dark next to him.

"D-Da-mph?!" Dark put a hand over Sabre's mouth and put a finger on his own lips.

"Shh, I'm not going to do anything, I promise" Sabre look at Dark unconvinced, but nodded after some time.

Dark pulled his hand away with a small smile though Sabre did not see it since he turned his attention back to the water. Dark though continue to stare at Sabre's calm expression.

"So what are you doing out here? I thought humans needed a lot of sleep?" Dark ask.

Sabre let out a sign, "We do, but humans like me have trouble sleeping. Some days I don't go to sleep, most days I sleep for a few hours and rarely get a full night of sleep"

"Then how do you have so much energy?" Dark knew everyone needs sleep to regain energy, but Sabre seemed to have an unlimited amount.

"That's where I have great friends. Lucas makes sure no one messes with me when I'm asleep." Sabre chuckle at an old memory.

"You are a odd person"

"I know. So why are you out here? Furthermore, why in the Rainbow Town?"

"Went for a walk when I sensed you"

"Sensed me?"

"Yes. Anyway, I went to see what you were doing" Dark shrug. It wasn't completely a lie, Dark had watch Sabre for weeks after seeing him go out on a walk several nights. Call it stalking, but Dark enjoyed looking at the calm expression Sabre wore every time he saw him. One night after watching Sabre for a few days, Dark saw Sabre without his bandanna for the first time since he known him. Sabre's grey eyes sparkle in the moonlight and seemed as though they held stars within them. That was the day Dark's heart skipped a beat and felt his cheeks heat up.

Sabre turn to face Dark, "Well I'm just relaxing on a bridge looking at the reflections in the water."

"I do not see what is interesting about that", Sabre giggled getting a raised eyebrow from Dark, "What's so funny?"

"Look at the water and tell me what you see" Dark look at the water and told Sabre he just sees his reflection, then he saw something else: lights. He look at Sabre who pointed up towards the sky where the stars shine.

"Wow" Dark breathed. The stars sparkle brightly.

"That's what I see" Sabre smiled. Dark turned in all directions, but he tripped on his own feet and fell on Sabre.

"Ow" Sabre groaned.

"My apologizes Sab-" Dark stop mid sentence when he look down at Sabre. The black bandanna moved to reveal his grey eyes that sparkle as the night sky. Sabre gave Dark a confused look and started to feel his face when he realize that his bandanna was no longer covering his eyes and quickly went to fix it, but Dark stopped him.

"Don't" Dark said blushed, "You, you look nice without it"

A bright blush covered Sabre's face as he moved his hands away from his bandanna, leaving it the way it is. Dark eventually got off of Sabre, but they stayed sitting on the ground.

"You're eyes are really nice Sabre, they reflect the stars like the water" Dark confessed.

"T-thank you" Sabre blushed. Lucas is the only one who ever seen his eyes and even he said that they were nice.

Dark moved closer to Sabre and reach out to move a lock of hair out of his face. His hand lingered on Sabre's face as he moved it down to his cheek and left it there. Slowly but surely, they got closer and closer until their lips touch and started to kiss softly. It didn't last long, but it did make both of their hearts jump.

No words were shared as they look at the night sky soon becoming morning. Dark bid goodbye and left Sabre alone on the bridge thinking about the kiss they shared. 

The next night, Sabre couldn't sleep and went on his walk, but this time he saw a dark figure on the bridge waiting for him. Dark would come on nights Sabre couldn't sleep and they would sit under the stars ether talking or enjoying each others company. Some nights Sabre will have his bandanna on or, on rare nights, have it off. Those rare nights made Dark want to stare into his eyes to see the sky instead of looking at it. 

With each passing night they grew closer together and felt feelings for the other. One night Dark surprised Sabre with a kiss and whispered four words into his ear, "I love you Sabre"


Word count: 905 

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