A Ghost and a Promise

576 12 2

Requested by MelissaC2000

This is like a second part to PlagueBow. When I want people to wonder whose talking and/or the ship, I'll put something different for the title and the ones being paired will be at the end. Can you guess the two before you reach the end?


From a distance from where the blue/green Steve and colorful Steve stood, someone watched them with a smile on their face. After the duo left, the person walk over to the grave they once were and sat down next to it.

"What do you think?" The person asked.

"I'm glad my brother is finding happiness after all this time" Someone spoke, "I have to thank you for everything."

"Don't need to thank me, I'm doing what I promised"

"And being you, you never break a promise. No matter what"

"I wouldn't say that. I ruin so many lives by being here" The person was felt cold arms wrap around him.

"You were thrown into something you didn't understand and did what you thought was right at the time"

"Yeah, and I killed a Steve trying to protect his home" The person signed.

"I told you I forgave you, even before I asked if you could bring my brother here"

"Still doesn't justify what I have done"

"You have the weight of the whole world on your shoulders and you carry the burden of everyone else. When will you let someone in?" The arms pulled the person closer.

The person chuckled, "If I hadn't came then-"

"Then things would be a disaster, what we have wouldn't exist." 

The person curled up in the other's lap as they held them as though they were a mere child.

"When will you tell Plague that you're not full dead?"

"Never" The other hissed, "Knowing I'm still around, he'll losing"

"Then why did you show yourself to me though I was the one who killed you?"

"I did hate you to the point I could never rest, then I realized that you were never in the wrong."

"Then why haven't you fully passed? You don't hate me and Plague visits your grave every year"

"Because" The other tilted the person's chin up, "There's an emotion holding me back"

"What's that?"


"L-" The person didn't get to speak as the other placed their cold lips upon his warm ones.

"Love" The other said after he pulled away, "I had fallen in love with you and it is when your time comes when I will finally pass. Then I will find you in the spirit world and we'll be with each other for eternity"

"What if you find another?"

"You are someone special and I will not lose you. Not again"

"What do you mean 'not again'?"

"Nothing for now you should rest, you will need it"

The person wanted to continue, but felt drowsiness take a grasp on him and feel asleep in the other's hold.

"I lost you long ago and made a mistake once I found you again. You kept your promise and now I'll keep mine. We'll be with each other once again my parvis florum"


Word count: 549

Requests remaining: 26

According to google translate: parvis florum = small flower

Pairing: Ghost Steve x FavremySabre

Did anyone get it?

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