ReverseSabre Part 2

894 12 6

Requested by Sworflame12


Sabre ran as fast as he could to the Rainbow Town where he saw Lucas sitting under a tree.

"Lucas!" Sabre yelled getting the blonde's attention.

"Sabre?" Lucas then noticed the marks around Sabre's neck, "Oh my Sabre!"

When Sabre got close to Lucas, he hugged him out of fear.

"What happened?" Lucas ask as he comforts his friend who was shaking in his hold, "Sabre, what happened to you? And where you get those marks?"

"I-I wasn't seeing things" Sabre muttered loud enough for Lucas to hear, "I did see a Steve around here, but it wasn't Rainbow. I-It was..."

"It was?"


Both humans turn to see Rainbow like Steve, but reversed colors.

"Rainbow?" Lucas asked.

Reverse smirk seeing the two humans he desired right in front of him. Sabre hugged Lucas tighter telling Lucas that this was the Steve that Sabre was afraid of.

"Ah hello Lucas and it's nice to see you again Sabre" Reverse smirk.

"Just who are you?!" Lucas growled pushing Sabre behind him after finally calming down.

"Lu" Sabre whispered, "that's Reverse"

"So you did remember my name" Reverse then walk over to the humans who were backing away.


"Go it"

Both humans ran to get as far away from Reverse; however, Lucas tripped and fell onto the ground. Sabre turned to help, but they were separated and surrounded by water with Reverse flying over them. It was around this time that Rainbow finally came out to see all of the commotion.

"Lucas! Sabre!" Rainbow yelled.

"Well, well, well he finally appears" Reverse chuckled.

Rainbow glared at the Steve, if it was any other Steve then Rainbow would have questioned them, but this one has his friends trap. Immediately, Rainbow used his lightning summoner and attacked Reverse who was surprised when he was suddenly attacked an sent away.

When Reverse was blasted away, the water surrounded Sabre and Lucas dissipated and they quickly ran to Rainbow.

"I never been so happy to see you" Sabre cried and hugged Rainbow along with Lucas.

"Me too, but who was that?" Rainbow asked.

"That was Reverse, he was the Steve that Lucas and I saw when we thought it was Rainbow. He cornered me in the forest and told me that he wants to take Lucas and I from Rainbow and turned us into our reversed selves or something." Sabre explained.

"Our reversed selves?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know" Rainbow said worried about his friends safety, "But don't worry, I'll protect you"

"I wouldn't say anything Rainbow" Reverse appeared not too far from the trio, "And I will make mine starting with your very first friend"

Water spawned between them, separating Sabre from Lucas and Rainbow. Reverse then grabbed Sabre and teleport him away from everyone else.


Reverse had teleport both him and Sabre to a grassy field, but the world was black and white instead of colorful.

"Wh-Where are we?" Sabre said afraid.

Reverse smiled and held Sabre close, "This is my world Sabre and your new home"

Sabre went into panic mode and tried to break away from Reverse.

"I learned my lesson Sabre, I'm not wasting any more time" Reverse picked up Sabre and carried him to another area with a  machine and a cage.

"What is that machine for?" Sabre gulped.

"You'll see" Reverse snickered. He opened the cage and placed Sabre in there then quickly closing the door behind him.

"Let me out!" Sabre yelled hitting Reverse's chest.

Reverse smile as he grab Sabre's hand with one of his and used the other to play with some of Sabre's hair, "I am going to miss this you Sabre, but we'll work it out later"

"What do you even want?!"

"What Rainbow has: you and Lucas. I'll leave Lucas with Rainbow for a bit until we become... closer" 

Using the hand that was playing with Sabre hair to tilt his head up.

"Besides sharing need for the two of you with Rainbow, I can feel his emotions as well. Let me tell you something Sabre, his desire for you is strong so instead of taking two friends, I'll be taking a friend and love"

Sabre's eyes widen, but before he could think about Reverse's words, he felt the Steve's lips on his. Sabre couldn't do anything as Reverse still had a hold on his hands and his other hand was keeping him in place.

"You're mine, not Rainbow's" Reverse growled.

"I'm nobody's!" Sabre yelled.

"You won't be thinking that for long, for now you should go to sleep"

"Why would I... go... to... sleep" Sabre fell limp in Reverse's arm. 

A syringe fell out of Reverse's hand just before Sabre feel into him.

"You're mine Sabre, and soon I'll have Lucas then Rainbow will feel my pain and I won't be alone no more."


Word count: 811

Requests remaining: 6

Edit: Not my best work

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