09Boss Part 3

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Requested by Lavender_Voice

You don't know how many times I did Boos instead of Boss


It's been a while since the incident and since then, Boss hasn't let Shark leave his home at all. As much as Shark loves the Steve, he's starting to get tired of being around Boss, he hasn't gone out for weeks. Every time the human mentions going outside, Boss would distract him - mostly by kissing him - or guilt trip him into staying. The Steve went as far to hide his phone away so no one can call him, and he couldn't call anyone. When someone does call or text Shark, Boss would delete them before the human could see then.

All of Shark's friends and family were worried about him and would try to see him, but Boss made them go away. The last straw broke when Boss turned Moose away for the seventh time so now the brunette is going to the only people who knew the most about Steves: the Sagas. Sabre and Lucas had no clue about Boss' possessiveness over Shark, but they were about to find out.

"Hey Moose" Sabre greeted the older once he left the poral, "What's up? Usually you would call before coming here"

"Sabre, something is wrong, and I need your and Lucas' help" Moose begged.

"Alright, but Lucas can't help for long" Sabre said walking towards the library.

"Why not?"

Moose's question was soon answered when he saw Lucas being carried by a reverse Rainbow.

"Moose, this is Reverse. Reverse this is Moose" Sabre introduced, "I need to borrow Lucas for a bit then he's all yours"

Reverse nodding and set Lucas down onto his feet then said, "I'll be back in a bit"

The one thing that Moose noticed about Reverse was that glint in his eyes, the same one that he seen in Boss' eyes when he looks at Shark. He watches as the Steve kiss Lucas' neck before leaving the humans alone.

"So, Moose what's up?" Lucas asked.

"Um, before I answer that, what was that about?" Moose asked.

"Oh Reverse? That's a normal thing among Steves" Lucas started to explain.

"When they find someone they connect to, they become very possessive" Sabre said.

"That usually means the Steve wants to mark that person"

"The longer they go without marking that person, the more possessive they get"

"What's mark?"

The blonde and brunette look at each other before showing Moose one of their wrists. Sabre's wrist has a dark ring around it while Lucas has a multi-colored ring with a diamond pattern.

"This shows that we are with someone already and forever will be" Sabre said.

"Wait, both of you are..."

Both chuckled and told the oldest that they were claimed by Dark and Reverse some time ago.

"Now with that aside, what is it you need man?" Sabre asked.

Moose explained what was happening with Shark and Boss over the past few weeks and how Boss had become extremely possessive of Shark. When he finished, panic was written across the Sagas' faces.

"M-Moose, how long has this been going on?" Lucas asked nervously.

"Um, a few weeks why?" Moose got worried seeing them pale and the fear in Lucas' eyes as Sabre's were covered.

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