ReverseSabre Part 3

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Requested by JanaFedon and Sworflame12


Reverse stared at Sabre after he feel asleep, he knows what he was doing was wrong, but he wants both his Sabre and Lucas back, especially Sabre. He wants them both back, the way they went wasn't right and they should have never went through that.

"Do, do I actually want to do this?" Reverse asked himself out loud, "I miss them, but this doesn't feel right. Why? I should be happy to get my Sabre back, but..."

Reverse thought about Rainbow, yes he did hate the Steve, but if he did what he was going to do then Rainbow would be like him; they would switch places. Reverse needed advice, badly, but Sabre was the one who gave him any. The Steve picked up Sabre and sat him outside of the cage then he pulled out a glass bottle with milk (Milk heals potion effects)

"I can only hope he isn't mad" Reverse again said out loud and pour the milk in Sabre's mouth.

It took a few seconds, but Sabre groaned indicating that he was awake.

"Ugh, what happened?" Sabre then look around, "Where-"

Sabre's eyes landed on Reverse who was staring at him worriedly.

"R-Reverse!" Sabre went to run away, but Reverse grab ahold of his wrist.

"Wait! I-I just want to talk" Sabre looks at him in disbelief, "Please, I won't do anything to you. I just need to talk"

"Okay" Sabre hesitantly turned to Reverse, "What do you want to talk about?"

"First off I-I want to say sorry"


"For my actions towards you, Lucas and Rainbow. I just" Reverse signed, "The reason I wanted you and Lucas was that my Sabre and Lucas are gone and I thought it was a way for Rainbow to be and feel powerless, but I'm starting to rethink things."

"What happened to your Sabre and Lucas?"

"My greed for power, I wanted to protect them, but I failed in the end. I became overcome in grief that, I guess, wanted them back and when I saw you two I just..."

"Why did you take me first?"

"I love my Sabre, he was the reason I fought, the one thing that kept me going. I loved him for a long time and, and I never told him" Reverse confessed, "I'm truly sorry Sabre, I-"

"I understand Reverse. I'm still a little mad at the whole 'kidnapping me from my friends' but you just wanted your loved ones back" Sabre gave Reverse a small smile.

Reverse was happy that Sabre mostly forgave him, "Thank you Sabre. I can't believe what grief brought me to"

"You're not the only one who would do anything to get someone back"

"I should get you back to your friends... I hope I can tell them I'm sorry"

"I'll do my best to hold them back" Both Steve and human shared a laughed.

Just before Reverse teleport him and Sabre, he heard a familiar voice:

"I love you too Reverse"

"Did, did you hear that?" Reverse looked around to find the source of the voice.

"Hear what?"

"N-Nothing, probably my imagination." Reverse signed and teleport with Sabre.

"I'll be waiting for you"


Word count: 535

Requests remaining: 1

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