(2) 09Boss

832 8 7

Boss Steve x 09Sharkboy

Tomorrow I be graduating #Classof2019

Requested by Killfun2005


Boss chuckle as he watch the human run away from him while he walk - and teleport - to catch up the him.

"Oh Shark ~" Boss called out.

"No! Go away!" Shark yelled. Currently he was hiding in a cave hoping to Notch that the Steve won't find him any time soon.

"Come on out Shark ~ I promise I'll play nice ~" There was something in Boss' voice that made Shark doubt his words enterally. 

Shark heard footsteps walk past him before disappearing completely. He barely had time to sign when arms wrap around him, pulling him into a strong chest bringing out a yelp from him.

"Found you ~" Boss smiled as he turned Shark around who gave the Steve a pouty face.

"Not fair" Shark pouted.

"Yes fair. Now what is my prize for finding you?" Boss ask with a hint of desire in his voice, not that Shark noticed.

 "Uhhh, what do you want?" Shark ask not knowing what the Steve would like; I mean he literally can have and get anything he wants so what is the point for there to be a prize.

  "What do I want?" Boss smirk at the question.

"I mean you literally can summon anything you want so I don't know what I can give you"

Boss pulled Shark closer to him, pull down his hood and played with the strands of hair, "I have one thing I can not summon"

"Really?" Shark ask tilting his head to one side, "What is it?"

"Well, for one thing I can't summon living beings. Two I adore short creatures. Three what I want is in an animal onsie." 

Shark thought for a moment, "There are three people I know who where animal onsie including me: you only know Moose and I, and Moose is about the same height as you so that leaves me....what!"

Shark look at Boss wide eyed not believing that he is what Boss wanted.

"Ding ding, we have a winner"

A blush formed on Shark's face as he looked away from embarrassment.

Boss frowned and put a finger under Shark's chin to get him to look at him, "Don't be shy little one, though you are much more adorable when you are"

"B-Boss" Shark stuttered when he realized that the Steve was leaning in.

Just before Boss put his lips on Shark's and whispered, "I'll be gentle with you this time little one just for toady"

After that, Boss connected his lips to Shark's who gasped allowing Boss to have full access to Shark's mouth. The Steve pulled Shark closer, deepening the kiss and getting Shark to moan more. Eventually Boss pulled away so Shark could breath and held him close.

"I must say, this is the best prize I ever gotten" Boss smiled. He brushed some strands of hair away from Shark's face which was as red as a redstone block.

Shark only nodded as he cuddled into Boss' chest with a relax sign.

"You're tired?" Boss ask knowing the answer before Shark nodded his head, "Alright little one, I'll take you home."

Boss picked up Shark bridal style.

"I want to stay with you" Shark mumbled sleepily. He curled himself into Boss as the Steve's heart lullaby him to sleep.

"As you wish little one" Boss kissed Shark's head just before he fell asleep before waling out of the cave and teleport to his home.     


Word count: 580

Requests remaining: 0

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